⋆ sentence prompts

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o. writing help!

' to help you  start
your sentences with
interesting sentence
prompts '



"i mean it could be worse.... at least we still have the ham."

the flags snapped and rippled as an icy wind blasted down the mountain side; the red sun that was rising made them snow glow pink as the opposing army approached.

"magic isn't hocus pocus, wave a stick and poof you have what you want!" "no?" "no! it's hard work!"

the dogs were too smart for her; she was going to have to really work to fool them...

the bite was starting to ache. the skin around it was going green, and there was a smell, meaty but dusty, that wasn't quite right.

"bite me!" "oh believe me, i will."

if she could only reach the lever... it was so close. her fingers brushed the mahogany handle.

he was dead, of that much he was certain. how else could there be so little pain?

"i never wanted you to feel this way! i love you... i just can't be with you!"

"if i ever see you again (x), I will kill you. blood debt be hanged."

the waters were still as glass and black as night, but in the centre something made them ripple; a flash of green in the under tow.

the tv flickered, and the message that appeared was chillingly simple. do not exit your home, do not open the door. they are not what they seem.

life is a series of disasters, interspersed with happiness; (x) was beginning to realise that the next disaster was looming in the form of an eight pound feline.

if i had only one super power it would be the power to drive romantic prospects away...

"if you turn the hourglass this way, you'll find that time slows." "and if i turn it that way?" "never turn it that way!"

blood seeped into the snow, making the ice crack under the sudden heat, and soon a spiderweb of pink ran through the ice. (x) swallowed and stared at (y)'s lifeless body. what a waste.

"lycanthropy is not a reason to miss work, smith!"

"how much candyfloss do you think i could fit in there?" "what?" "what?!"

the police were the first to fall, and so the resistance had to come from the teachers.

"i swear, by the almighty, if you don't put your pants on I'll kill you."

the ships that rocked gently in the harbour arrived over night with no warning, and seemingly without crews.

when i was sixteen years old i died. thankfully i got better.

it looked like a whale, but it was peppered with shining eyes and seemed to glide through the water without moving a muscle.

the darkness was watchful and dense; it seemed to press on her from every side, and the corners seemed to be full of skittering noises.

scepticism had saved her life more than once, so it was really unfortunate that it now seemed set to kill her.

if looks could kill, he'd be a smear on the carpet. as it was he could only blink and fidget, hoping to look sheepish.

"i could kill you, you know?" "well, so could a falling coconut, what's your point?"

"never have i ever.... eaten raw flesh."

"if you can't backflip, why are you even here?"

the door groaned and splintered; soon they would be through, and all hell would break loose.

"forgiveness is like an open wound; it lets all kind of dirt in."

when the living give up on progress it's time for the dead to step in.

"she never even graduated!"

"i honestly thought you were a shaved bear of some kind..."

a note.

i hate when i lose interest
in a story but i really want
to continue it. like i want
to unpublish the fic at this
point ugh

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