Chapter 1 - A Wet Surprise

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Hey guys! :)

so this is my first time uploading something on please bear with me. I've actually known about this site for much longer but i've just been creeping about :P then i decided i wanted to contribute. it is! this is just a kind of filler on what kind of life the main character has. it will get better, i promise :)


Chapter 1

Ah, I loved Sundays.

I lay spread out on the sofa with the TV blaring in front of me. I didn’t know what was on, and to be honest I didn’t give a crap right now. It was so peaceful, just me, food, and the 50 inch HD plasma screen television in front of me. The house was weirdly quiet without my brothers and my dad, but that’s just how I liked it.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I groaned loudly, wanting to pinch myself for jinxing it. For a moment I seriously considered pretending no one was home and making whoever it was outside go away. But they must’ve heard the TV because they started banging on the door.

“OI! Leslie! Open the door!” My twin brother’s voice barked through the glass. I sighed and got up, opening the door. I glared at him.

“Couldn’t you have arrived a little later?”

Aaron blinked, his face blank. “Nice to see you too sis.” I grunted and left the door wide open for him to come through. Slamming myself down on the sofa once again, I relished the comfort. Until, that is, my delightful twin barged in and did the same, making the whole thing sink. “Hey! Go sit somewhere else,” I grunted.

“You know you’re gonna get fat if you keep eating like that?” he announced, gesturing to the table in front of me. I looked at the food on it, which was a whole jar of Nutella, a bowl of popcorn and orange squash. I picked up the Nutella and shoved a spoonful in my mouth, flicking through the channels. “What’s your point?” I muttered. He clicked his tongue and shrugged.

“Well it’s not like you’re that far away from being fat anyway.” he retorted. I chucked a cushion at him and he blocked it so it bounced on the floor. Nobody bothered to pick it up. “Where’s everyone else gone?”

“Jamie’s gone to a weekend revision class, Jonah’s at a birthday party and Dad’s at the pub, I think.”

Aaron shook his head. “Wow,” he muttered in disbelief. “Everyone has a life apart from us. Huh, who would’ve thought?” there was a silence as I didn’t respond and settled down to watch America’s Next Top Model, the rerun.

“So what do you wanna do, Les?” Aaron asked, going into the kitchen. “We have a whole afternoon to kill, so let’s do something. Fun,” he added before I opened my mouth to suggest watching TV all day. He knows me too well.

Half an hour later we were playing Snakes and Ladders. And I did not regret taking that decision, because was I clearly winning. Aaron rolled the dice and it landed on a four, which inevitably lead him down a snake, putting him on the bottom row while I was near the top. I let out a yelp of satisfaction.

“SHIT!” he protested. “Not again! This game is stupid.”

“Don’t be a sore loser,” I smirked at him. “Just because I’m beating your ass you don’t have to be a baby about it.”

“Shut up. The game isn’t over yet so anything could happen.” He leaned forward, lowering his voice. “Something really unexpected, like.............THIS!” he suddenly overturned the board so all the little parts flew up in the air and stung my face sharply. I blocked my face trying to protect it from the plastic pangs. My surprised reaction made my hand swing over the popcorn bowl so everything was scattered across the floor, most likely under the sofa too. I sat there for a moment, my mouth hanging, popcorn tangled in my hair. Aaron laughed out loud and ran away, and I instantly followed. “You asshole!” I yelled chasing him up the stairs. He locked the bathroom door just as I slammed into it, intending to get in. The thud made him chuckle, and I scowled, quietly walking backward towards the stairs. “Coward.” I spat. “By the time I’m back you better be out Aaron,” I said warningly, trying my best to sound like I had nothing planned. He scoffed and imitated my voice. “Or what? Are you gonna set my pet goldfish on me? Ooooh I’m so scared!” I just smirked and went downstairs to the kitchen and filled up a jug with freezing cold water.

“Are you out yet?” I said in a sing song voice back upstairs. I had my jug ready, clutching it with both hands.

“What does it look like, you idiot?” he demanded.

“Come out now, or I’ll go to your room.” I threatened. Aaron went quiet, and he knew I’d pulled out the big guns now. It was what I needed to trap him into my......trap. If that made sense.

“Stay out of my room, Leslie. I mean it,” he said quietly. I had a feeling he was beginning to get worried and would come out soon.

“Nope, come out of the bathroom and I won’t go,” I said cheekily. I loved knowing his weak spots. His bedroom was literally his life. It was where his laptop and his most prized possessions were. It’s where he had spent hours adorning his wall with posters, old drawings, photos and football sticker collections from when he was ten. He acted like a tough dude but inside he was a total softie. Yeah, Aaron was weird.

“That’s it. Get away from my room you bitch!” he shouted as he flung open the door and instantly gasped in shock as the cold water hit his face and wet his hair and clothes. I was doubled over laughing, almost on the floor at the hysterical sight in front of me. Before he could react I ran downstairs and shut the living room door, though I knew he wouldn’t be coming down any time soon. He loved his appearance too much to look this way, dripping and totally humiliated.

I chuckled as I heard him cursing upstairs. Revenge was sweet.


I know there wasn't much going on in this chapter, but like I said before it's just kind of the start. I didn't wanna rush into the story too quickly :)

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Thank you for reading :D

-S <3

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