Ch.8 The dance

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^^ Yasmeen's dress to the dance

Husain's P.O.V😈

So today is Valentine's Day and I was hoping to ask Yasmeen to go with me but, she was probably going to go with her friends but I also wanted to surprise her with something too.

I went to Hamza's house to hang out with him. I needed to use the bathroom so I asked him and he said I could go. Once I got upstairs I remembered that I didn't ask for where it was so I up went to some random door and opened it.

And to my surprise I saw a Yas doing her victory dance after completing a level of fortnight.

She soon turned around and I saw her face. She was so caught up with her thoughts and when she realized I was standing right in front of her, she screamed so loud to the point that I ran out of her room and actually found the bathroom.

I can't believe I saw her hair. She had dark brown thick hair and it was really curly and it ended on the middle of her back.

She was so pretty and perfect. I didn't even know she played video games.


I went to school early to decorate Yas' locker. I had put wrapping paper with hearts on the outside of her locker and filled bows on top of it. Then I put a lot of nice quotes about her saying she was special, beautiful, a princess and my queen and so on and so forth.

I already knew her combo from her friend Raven and  so I opened her locker and on her top shelf I hit a lot of junk food so she could eat it and I put red roses and a box of chocolate in the bigger and last shelf.

And on the inside of the locker door I put  a note saying a poem in it.

I also got a mini  chocolate cake for her and put that in her locker too and it said " you are my Habibti on it."

I signed my name on the card with the poem and closed her locker and left.


Yasmeen's P.O.V

I got to school once I was satisfied with my out fit and came to school.

I got to school once I was satisfied with my out fit and came to school

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It wasn't hot outside so I wore all black. I took the last corner to get to my locker when I saw that my locker was decorated.

I saw my girls coming up to me and then Raven said, " oh,look who got asked to the Valentine's Day dance." I just rolled my eyes and we all walk up to my locker.

I saw the door of my locker and it said a bunch of cute things and then to my surprise, when I opened it I saw sooo much junk food it just made me so happy that I ended up grinning.

" OMG,look there a chocolate cake as well" said Haila. There was a letter on the inside of my locker door. I opened that too and read it to myself.

" this is for you,
On this special day.
You open up my heart in every way,
And show me the way.
You are more special to me then words can say, to my beautiful love
Happy Valentine's Day."
xxx Husain
After I finished reading it, I put it in my bag before they asked me if they could read it.

I then took the gift bag that was filled with junk food in my bag as well, then joined the girls that were eating the cake without me.

"So, do you have any idea who this is from?" Asked Laila.

"Nope" I was so lying but I couldn't tell them.


I went to my last class of the day and I saw Husain sitting in the back of the class so I went and sat next to him.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Hey" he grinned.

"Ummm... I got your gift and I just wanted to say thank you and the poem that you wrote was really sweet" I said.

"Your welcome" he said

"Okay class lets get out our textbooks" said mrs. Martin.

Husain's P.O.V 😈😈

I was at the school dance and so many girls kept coming up to me to me if I could dance with them but I rejected all of them.

I soon saw Yas come in and my jaw dropped. She was so gorgeous and it's not ever her wedding. Like could you imagine.

I went up to her and said, " wow you look beautiful as always." I said ever so confidently. And gave her roses

"Thanks, and you look super cute yourself" she said and I grinned and asked " did you just call me cute?" I asked.

" well,am I supposed to say you look
hideous?" She questioned.

I shrugs knowing she had a point.

I left knowing her friends would be coming soon.

We said our goodbyes and all I was doing that night was stare at her.why can't I just have her already, I say to myself.

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