Ch.9 won the whole tournament

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It was almost after school and I went to tell the teacher that I had a  tournament to go to and that I need to leave early so I could change.

Once I told her, she let me leave and I got change and waited for the rest of my team to join me.

Soon they came and we got rides from each other and when to Semiano University which is where we will be playing at.

We got to the gym and started doing our drills and warm ups. Then I heard someone behind me say, " Salam, habibti" and I knew right away who it was. I turned around and met Husain's eyes. I pushed him away so no one would suspect anything.

"What in the world are you here ?" I asked

"To support my baby obviously" he said back in a duh tone.

"Stop calling me that in public, please" I said so he would just stop.

He came closer and whispered " ok,but I can't deny the fact that you look super sexy, baby" that sent shivers down my back.

He moved back and waved at me and took a seat at the benches to watch.

Now we are winning all of the games we played and we were on our last game. If we win this game we win the whole tournament and get a trophy for it.

It was currently 48-49 and last shot Winn's. Who ever takes the last shot gets to keep the trophy.

There was 5 seconds left and I was trapped and so was my team. I closed my eye and threw a full court shot.


Was the next thing I heard everyone turned to look of the ball went in and it did.

The whole audience were cheering and I got picked up. I got the trophy and put it in the air.

Soon we calmed down I went to Husain and asked, " did you see that?"

"Of course I did, you did wonderful"He hugged me and me being the asshole hugged him back. I was just to happy to hold back.

When I came to realization I pushed him away and went to my team without saying another word.

My team kept complimenting me and I was just so proud of myself and the hard work my team put out today.
We went to bubble tea as a treat and soon went home.

What a long day I thought to myself.

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