1. Raine the Half-Breed Gundam

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Raine P.O.V.

My name is Raine, I'm eighteen years old, I reside in Neotopia and I'm half human half Gundam. My mother's name is Sirah who's a human and my dad is a Gundam Sergeant who I have never even met and I believed has died the same way my mother did when I was three. I have been named after a fictional character named BloodRayne who's a Dhampir, a vampire that's half-human by Captain Gundam. Ever since my mother died, Zero took me to live with him and the rest of the Gundams at their house that Super Dimensional Guard has constructed for them, Captain would always take off to fight off a group of invaders named The Dark Axis and I wished to tag along with him, but Zero notified me that I was too young to fight alongside him. So, Captain promised me that when I turned eighteen and trained well enough, I can fight with him. I was outside relaxing on the patio drinking coffee when Captain Gundam and Zero arrived from the SDG base. "Good morning, Raine!" Captain says as Zero lowers the hood of his cloak and smiles at me. "Good morning!" I said. Zero started combing his long platinum blonde hair through his fingers and tucks it behind his ears leaving two strands out in front of his face. "How did you sleep, Raine?" he asks as he hugs me. "I've slept alright, Zero." I answered. "There's a person we'd like you to meet." Captain says. "He's a human, Raine. Don't fret, he won't harm you." Zero said. "OK, I'll race you guys!" I said as I started sprinting. "You don't know where he resides, Raine!" Captain exclaimed as Zero picks me up and giggles. "Let's go see him!" Zero says as Captain flies off racing ahead of us. Zero started carrying me in the air attempting to catch up with Captain when Tallgeese flew by Zero and me I. "WATCH IT TALLGEESE!!! YOU ALMOST MADE ME DROP RAINE!!" he screamed as we started gliding faster until the four of us arrived at a house. "Here we are, Raine." Captain says as a human guy runs out of the shed and greets Captain with a hug. His eyes were green like mine only his eyes aren't glowing, his hair was brown and he was wearing a grey hoodie, a baby blue t-shirt, grey track pants, and brown sneakers. "Raine, this is our pal, Shute!" Tallgeese said. "That's a strange name for a human!" I said. "Is this your new friend, Captain?" Shute asks Captain as the decoration on Captain's hat began to glow. "Go easy on her, Shute. Her name is Raine, she's half human half Gundam and she's not used to being around humans." Tallgeese said. "NO WAY!! SHE'S HALF-HUMAN HALF GUNDAM??! I WISH I WAS HALF-HUMAN TOO!!" Shute shouted. "Are you ready for your first battle, Raine?" Captain asks. "YAY!!!" I yelled out as Captain's reequip ring materializes in the sky.
"Dark Axis activity at Peace Park!" Captain said as he flies into his reequip ring. "Let's go, guys! Race you to Peace Park!" I yelled out as I started sprinting to Peace Park. "Wait, Raine!" Tallgeese yelled out as he, Zero, and Shute sprinted after me. I made it to Peace Park when I crashed into a man, knocking him down. He had glowy red eyes with slit pupils, red spikey hair, pale skin, and a moderately toned figure. He had black leather combat boots, maroon pants, a red shirt, black fingerless gloves, and grey goggles with red lenses. "HEY, YOU DUMBASSES!! SCATTER THE BAGUBAGU AND TURN THIS DAMN HUMAN INTO STONE!!" he yelled at a gang of soldiers who are similar looking. "Ok, L-lord Zapper Zaku!" Captain informed me about the Dark Axis when I was nine years old.
Zapper Zaku scowls at Captain angrily. "I have been granted a special permit to use firearms to protect against the invasion of Neotopia!" Captain hollered. "Let me play with this human, Captain!" Zapper yelled as the soldiers dispatched the BaguBagu swarm on me. The bugs stung me but I did not turn into stone. "Why didn't she turn to stone, Captain?" Shute asked. "Maybe because I'm half human half Gundam." I said as Zapper Zaku began firing at me and Captain. "We've never imagined a human who's half Gundam, zako!" one of the soldiers said. "Which side are you on, Zakos?" Zapper asks as Bakunetsumaru shows up and slices his machine guns in half. "Hey, you are gonna pay for those!" "Take this!" I slashed at Zapper with my arm blades. "What are you gonna do? Cut wood with that ax?" I laughed as Zapper pulls out his ax. He then slashes at me with his ax and I kept blocking it every time with my arm blades. "Nice moves, Raine!" Shute said, cheering me on. I turned and smiled at him. "Thanks, Shute!" I shouted. All of a sudden, Zapper Zaku slashed me on my right cheek from behind with his ax, leaving a big slice on my right cheek. The gash on my cheek began oozing blood and stinging me. "Ow!" I cried out as I touched the wound with my hand and stared at the amount of blood on my hand. "What's wrong? You got a little bitty cut?" Zapper taunts me as I tasted the blood on my hand. "Oh no!" Tallgeese announces as my eyes turned pinkish red with cat pupils and I started growing fangs. "My turn!" I said as I jumped at Zapper and bit down on his neck and began drinking his blood, healing my wound. "GET OFF ME!" he cried. I let go of him and stared as he tries to stop the bleeding with his hand. "Withdraw at once!" he shouted to the Zako soldiers as a portal opened. "That was unexpected." Shute said. I wiped the blood from my mouth and smiled at Zero. "Let's go home, Raine." Bakunetsumaru says as Shute holds my hand. We started walking home when another human appeared hauling a basket. She has violet eyes and blonde hair. She was wearing a pastel blue sweater and pastel yellow pants with pink shoes. I hid behind Captain for protection. "She's not gonna harm you, Raine." Zero says as
Shute hugs her. "Shute, who's your new friend?" "Sayla, she's Captain's friend! Her name is Raine and she's half human half Gundam!" Sayla smiles at me and gives me the basket which has a red velvet cake with purple frosting. "Hey! That was gonna be mine!" Shute yelled. "We were heading home, Sayla. But I think Raine won't have any difficulties getting along with you and Shute." Captain says. "Awesome!" she says as she hugs me gently.

"Hi, Raine! I'm Sayla!" Sayla says.

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