2. Enter the DarkAxis

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Commander Sazabi P.O.V

"Commander, Zapper Zaku is back and he has an announcement for you!" Destroyer Dom steps in with just a towel on. "Ok, tell him to come in." I said as he walks out of my room. I got up from my chair and began pouring myself a glass of wine when Sergeant Fenrir steps in and hops on my bed. "I'm tired." he says as he clutches my pillow and starts sleeping. I love it when Fenrir sleeps or naps, he looks so cute but I remembered Destroyer Dom was taking a shower in Sarge's room. Zapper Zaku started sprinting into my room holding a gauze against his neck. "What happened to you?" I raised a question as I begin sipping my wine. "It bit me! It bit me!" he said as he peeled off the gauze, revealing fang marks that were still oozing blood. "What bit you? What about the Gundam?" "I've confronted a new member of the Gundam squad! That's who bit me! The Zakos tried to get it with the BaguBagu but it didn't turn to stone!" I concluded that it was a human, but he explained that it did not turn into stone. "A human bit you?" "She's half-human half Gundam, I made a little slash on her cheek and her eyes turned pinkish-red cat-eyed and she grew fangs and bit me!" Fenrir began snoring softly and clutching my pillow tightly. "So, you failed?" I raised a question as I put my drink down and scowl at Zaku angrily. "Yes." he whimpered. "You are dismissed Zapper!" I said. Zaku ran out of my room. A Gundam/human hybrid? I think he's making it up but that bite mark looked real. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY WEAPONS!?!" I heard Destroyer Dom yelling at Zapper Zaku. "I tossed them out of the Gallop and replaced them with crosses and wooden stakes." "WHY?!? WHERE DID YOU PUT MY WEAPONS?!?" "To help with my vampire situation. I sold them!" "VAMPIRES DON'T EXIST!!! YOU SOLD MY WEAPONS?!?" Sergeant Fenrir wakes up disturbed by the yelling and started straightening his long crimson hair. "How can anyone sleep through all that noise?" he mutters. Destroyer Dom walks into my room with an irritated look on his face. "How's the shower?" I raised a question as I began putting on my shirt. Destroyer Dom looks at Fenrir curiously. "How was your nap, boss?" Fenrir looks back at Destroyer Dom and smiles at him. "Zapper removed your weapons, Dom?" he asks. "He sure as hell did and he sold them too!" Zapper Zaku ran into my room still holding the gauze against his neck. "Why did you sell Dom's weapons, Zaku?" Fenrir snarls at Zapper and shows him his fangs. "I did not mean to!" he says. "I need you to go back to Neotopia with Zapper Zaku, Destroyer Dom to take care of the Gundam fools." I commanded. "Understood!" Dom hollers. "Get your ass back to Neotopia!" Fenrir barked at Zapper. Zapper ran out of my room with Destroyer Dom chasing after him. "Good boy!" I said as I started petting Fenrir like a puppy.

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