14. Sweet Memories

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Sayla P.O.V.

I remember when Raine tasted my blood when I was cutting strawberries. We became best friends instantly when she told me she'll make sure nobody will harm me. I remembered meeting her dad at Peace Park. Her father seemed like a nice man. I'm thrilled that she's gonna marry Commander Sazabi and I get to bake their wedding cake. "Sayla, when am I gonna taste those delicious cake pops?" Shute asks as he drinks a can of Sprite. "Almost ready, Shute!" I answered. "So, Raine is spending the night with her dad, Captain?" Shute asked. "Yes, Shute."  I went to put the cake pops in the fridge, took out a can of Big Red, and sat down on the couch with Captain and Shute.  It's so sad that Raine's mother died when she was three.  I didn't get the chance to ask Raine the name of her mother. But I'm glad her dad is alive and well and cares about her. Shute and Captain told me that Raine's father was for Lacroa like Zero, Tallgeese, and Deathscythe.
I got up from the couch, went to the kitchen, and took a cake pop out of the fridge. I'm worried about Raine when she fights the Dark Axis even though she's stronger than she looks.

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