24. Crimson Bride

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Raine P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my dad turning on the tv in the living room and got out of bed. I went to the closet, pulled out my wedding kimono, and put it on. I was doing my wedding makeup when I saw my dad entering the room. "Good Morning, Rainey Bear!" he said in a cheery voice. "Good Morning, Dad. Are you getting ready for the wedding?" I asked as I began finishing my wedding makeup. Dad was wearing a black suit and had his hair tied up in a low ponytail. "Commander is almost at Peace Park for the wedding. Let me take you to him." Dad and I started walking to the wedding at Peace Park where everyone was sitting in the wedding aisle. From far away I could see Sazabi and Captain Gundam waiting for me at the altar. Everyone turned to look at me as Dad and I showed up at the wedding aisle. "All rise!" Tallgeese shouted as soon as he saw me. Everyone began standing up as Dad started walking me down the aisle.

 Everyone began standing up as Dad started walking me down the aisle

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We made it to the altar and Dad took his seat. I looked at Sazabi and smiled at him lovingly. "Shall we start with the ceremony?" Captain asks as Sazabi and I started holding each other's hands. "Begin!" Sazabi said. "Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Raine and Commander Sazabi in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so they have decided to live together as husband and wife. True marriage is more than joining the bonds of the marriage of two persons; it is the union of two hearts. It lives on the love you give each other and never grows old, but thrives on the joy of each new day. Marriage is love. May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to share moments of quiet, when the day is done. May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding. Do you Commander Sazabi, take Raine to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "Do you Raine, take Commander Sazabi, to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?" "I do!" "If there is anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. By the authority vested in me. I now pronounce you both husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Sazabi and I began kissing each other in front of everyone all of a sudden my bloodthirstiness kicked in. So, I gently but discreetly bit Sazabi on the neck and started drinking a small amount of his blood. "Vampire! The bride is a vampire!" The mean human girl Sandra said, throwing garlic powder at me and Sazabi. "Daddy!" I cried out in tears as Sazabi pulls me close to him. Dad used Lacroan magic to turn Sandra into a black rose. I was still crying when Sazabi walked me over to a table reserved for us. "I'm not a monster, Sazabi." I cried out as Sazabi kisses me passionately. We started eating and dancing at the wedding. I'm really glad that Sazabi and I are happily married and that we will be a happy family. "Where's Skylar?" I panicked. "Honey, she's with Sayla." Sazabi smiled as we continued dancing until it got dark and we headed back to the Dark Axis House to change clothes and get ready for our honeymoon while Shute and Sayla are babysitting Skylar. I changed into the formal gown Carrie White wore at the prom and smiled at Sazabi who's dressed in a black suit. "Let's go eat a Chinese buffet, Raine." he smiled as we headed to the Chinese buffet. "What else is going to happen to me now that we're married?" I asked as I watched him drink a glass of wine. "Hmmm, there will be two commanders, and the Zako soldiers and the squad leaders will treat you with respect and you are now my queen." Sazabi said as he began chowing down on his sushi. I started eating my lo mein noodles and sushi when I remembered something. "Oh, what do you and Dad do for Halloween?" I asked as he orders another glass of wine. "I'll tell you when we're home. How many alcoholic beverages can we order?" he asks as the waitress serves him his wine glass. I didn't say anything to him and just looked at him with shock. I just finished drinking my Dr. Pepper and asked the waitress for another drink. "Two per person." she said. "Baby, is something wrong?" Sazabi asked as he drank his glass of wine. "I think that's enough wine for today sweetie. Why don't you order a soda?" I asked as the waitress gives me my soda. "I'll have a soda, Raine. Is there anything else bothering you?" "Yes, remember Zapper stabbed me in the stomach while I was pregnant?" "Yep." "Well, I'm worried that she might not be able to walk." I just can't stop thinking about Skylar. I hope she'll be able to walk. I started feeling tired and waited for Sazabi to finish eating so that we can go home and go to sleep.

 I started feeling tired and waited for Sazabi to finish eating so that we can go home and go to sleep

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