3. The Half Gundam vs The Zapper and The Destroyer

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Raine P.O.V.

I was watching my favorite movie, BloodRayne: The Third Reich with Sayla and Shute at his workshop when Shute gets a telepathic call from Captain Gundam. "Dark Axis activity at Peace Park!" he yelled as he puts the movie on pause. I got up and changed into one of my favorite BloodRayne outfits which is the formal gown BloodRayne wore at the opening of the second game using Lacroan magic. "That's cool!" Sayla exclaims as she claps her hands. We went to Peace Park to see Zapper Zaku with another member of The Dark Axis. He was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt, light purple cargo pants, black combat boots, a belt with silver studs, and black fingerless gloves. His hair was black with red and maroon tips styled in an emo haircut. His eyes were glowy pink with cat pupils. "Target Acquired!" he yelled out as he points his bazookas at me. "Raine, be cautious! That's Destroyer Dom! He's the weapons specialist from The Dark Axis!" Shute shouted. I watched as Sayla and Shute hid behind a bench. "Take care of that human/Gundam hybrid, Destroyer Dom!" Zapper yells. "Your name is Raine?" Destroyer Dom asks as he lowers his bazooka guns. "Yes." I answered as I drew out my arm blades, getting ready to battle. "Nice weapons. Are you half human half Gundam?" "Yes, my mother is a human who's been murdered when I was three and my dad is a Gundam Sergeant. Thank you." "I'm getting bored from hearing your chat with Destroyer Dom, mutt. So, I'm gonna make this battle more fun for the three of us. Let's see if you can hold your own against a fifty-foot woman with a bad mood, mutt!" Zapper yells as he places a control horn on the mobile Mayor Margaret Gathermoon Statue causing it to become menacing-looking with glowing red eyes, fangs, and a mean-looking face. "GET OFF THAT DAMN THING!!!" I yelled as I charged at Zapper Zaku. "Aw, she doesn't appreciate being called a thing. You've made her very angry!" he says as the statue glares at me and starts firing lasers from her mouth. I started blocking the lasers with my arm blades when three Zako soldiers came running towards me. "What are you doing?" "Take these weapons, zako!" I watched as one of the Zakos threw to me what looked like the guns from BloodRayne 2. "They're called the Carpathian Dragons! Bang! Bang! Zako!" "Indeed they are!" I picked up the Carpathian Dragons and began firing them at the control horn, breaking it and freeing the statue from the mind control. "Not cool, mutt!" Zapper yells as he charges at me with his heat hawk. "Dom, why aren't you helping me?" "I'd rather watch you get your ass kicked." "Help me you dumb ape!" "Take this!" I yelled as I jumped at Zapper Zaku. "GET OFF!!" Zapper screams.
"Who dispatched you guys?" I asked as I block Zapper's heat hawk with my arm blades. " Our Commander dispatched us. He knows your dad, Raine." Destroyer Dom explained as I sank my teeth into Zapper's neck and drank his blood. "See you next time, Raine!" Dom says as he and Zapper leave through the portal. "Wow, Raine! You showed them who's boss!" Sayla yells out as Captain and Zero arrived. "Oh my God! Raine! Your eyes!" Zero yelled as he summons a mirror. "I already know about them. This is not the first time my eyes changed like this." "Uh oh!" Captain says as his hat decoration blinked. "Dark Axis activity in the construction site!" "I'll take it from here, Captain." I ran to the construction site. We arrived at the construction site to see Zapper Zaku with a gauze taped to the area on his neck where I bit him. "Oh a party and nobody invited me...that just makes me mad." I said as I drew out my arm blades and prepared to fight. "Hiya, mutt! It's not nice for you to be late for the party. Have some punch!" Zapper yells as he begins shooting at me with his guns. "Raine! Change clothes right now!" Zero barked out. "Ok." I said as I changed into another one of the outfits BloodRayne wore in the second video game which is the schoolgirl outfit.

" I said as I changed into another one of the outfits BloodRayne wore in the second video game which is the schoolgirl outfit

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"Much better," Zero says as I began evading Zapper's gunfire. "Die! Die! Die!" he says as he tries to shoot me. I started blocking his gunfire with my arm blades until Destroyer Dom arrives with his Gallop. "You know what I'll like? If you stop shooting!" I hollered. "I have a better idea!" Zapper says as he places a control horn on a crane. "Going down!" Zapper says as the crane tries to drop a metal crate on me. I tried evading the crane's attacks when it hits me in the face. "Aww, you got hit in the face, mutt? Too bad! Because now I have three cranes!" Zapper laughs at me. "Take your best shot!" I looked at him with a determined look on my face. I began evading the metal crates that are being swung at me by the cranes until I was hit from behind by one of them. "Yeehaw! Swing your partner round and round and crash her head on the ground!" Zapper laughs menacingly as I'm getting thrown around like a half-Gundam ragdoll by the cranes. "I can't watch, zako." one of the Zako soldiers whimpered as they covered their eyes. "And then it dawned on him, 'I'm getting my ass kicked here!'" I growled as I struggled to get up from being thrown on the ground when the cranes dropped three metal crates on me, pinning me down. "Feeling kind of boxed in, mutt?" Zapper laughed maniacally as he lands on top of the stack of metal crates that are pinning me down and aims his guns at me. "I've got you where I want you and this time it won't be so easy! I am going to finish you off once and for all! It's nice knowing you, bye-bye!" "No! Commander and Sargent want her alive, Zapper." Destroyer Dom yelled as he lifts the metal crates off of me. "You ok, Raine?" he asks as he helps me up. "Dom, what the hell?" Zapper asked. I set my Carpathian Dragons to Blood Stream Mode and fired at Zapper Zaku. "I'm outta here!" he said as he leaves through the Zakorello Gare. "Let's play!" Destroyer Dom yells. I smiled at him as Bakunetsumaru arrives and slices the control horns in half. "Raine, be careful!" he shouts as Destroyer Dom aims his bazooka guns at me with a menacing smile. I aimed my Carpathian Dragons at Dom and began shooting. "When's your birthday?" Dom asks as he fired his guns. "Valentine's Day." I answered as I started evading his gunfire. "It's in two weeks!" I continued. "Your father is still living, Raine," Dom said as he evades my arm blade attacks. "He is? Does your Commander know him? Is he from Neotopia?" I asked. " Raine, enough talk. Just fight!" Zero shouted. " He's from Lacroa. Yes, he's living. Yes, Commander knows him." Dom says as he slices my arm with his chain sword. "Sorry about that gash on your arm." "Raine! You're grounded!" Tallgeese yells as Dom leaves through the Zakorello gate. "What for?" I asked.

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