Chapter 3 : Marvel Characters

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So guys, basically I'll be writing two more stories soon! Complete this chapter to read the deets about the upcoming stories. Also I uploaded these Chapters on Inkitt. You can check out if you want to!

Here's another update!

So this chapter is of Rhea dreaming about few of her memories from past. The flashbacks in this chapter will be written in Italics only, till you again see a bold italics part. You can even play the song above (I recommend). Its Colbie Caillat's I Never Told You.


Ayaan Singhania (Imran Khan):-

Ayaan Singhania (Imran Khan):-

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Logan Evans (David Henrie):-

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Logan Evans (David Henrie):-

Logan Evans (David Henrie):-

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Rhea's POV

It was a pleasant morning, and I was going for the first ever Summer Camp in my life. My friends and I were so excited caring about no boundaries that day. We were simply going to go crazy and enjoy our time to the fullest.

I went to an All Girls' Catholic School, so I wasn't very much in contact with many boys as such except for the ones with whom I went to private tuitions. But they were nothing more than jerks.

I was still waiting by the gates of the University where we were going to have our camp. Back then I was fifteen, and my face, it was a place for pimples to reside, and I didn't have quite of a good figure, though I was blessed with beautiful hips and breasts, I was cursed with my 'not-so-flat' stomach. I could be normally described as the unattractive tomboy.

I was cleaning my glasses while, my eyes, found their way somewhere they shouldn't have gone. My eyes met with dreamy, most probably the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. I couldn't think about anything at all at that time, his beautiful light brown eyes looked at my black ones like he could make my heart skip a beat or even stop maybe.

End of dream

"Rhea! Rhea! Sweetheart get up! You're gonna get late for college!" I heard a female voice calling me, waking me up from my sleep and maybe in a way she helped me not to see more of my past memories.

I woke up and saw Mrs. Marino stopping my alarm and shouting at me for getting up late. Then I glanced over to the wall clock. Oh crap! It was eight already in the morning! Shit! Shit! Shit!

I'm supposed to catch the 8:20 am bus. I hurriedly got up and ran towards by bathroom and got cleaned up as soon as I could. I came out and wore a Kurti (The straight-cut kurta is a loose shirt falling either just above or somewhere below the knees of the wearer, and is traditionally worn by men. However, women do also wear the straight-cut kurta or its shorter version, the kurti) and paired it up with some high waist denims. I didn't care to put any makeup; I just did a little touch-up with my kajal and foundation so that I don't look like I'm having a hangover, but I just looked fine.

"Here take my keys, its already 8:26, take my car." Mrs. Marino said offering me her BMW i8 car keys.

"Thank you so much Auntie! I love you! You're a life-saver."


"Umm.... Hi."

A voice suddenly called me while I was sitting on my desk waiting for the professor to come. It was Business Analysis class, and the professor was older than the subject, so I knew he would take his time to come. I turned back and saw a guy most probably 5'9", grey eyes, and black haired. He was wearing a black T-shirt with "Like what you see?" written on it. It was tight indeed which flaunted his abs perfectly. Okay, I agree he was hot, hella hot. No! Rhea, no! You're not being a part of the 'hump-dump' game!

"Umm....Yeah hi?" I 'replied'.

"Ah, I was thinking if, you know we could hangout someday maybe, anyday you wish, any place you wish. I'd really like to get to know you."

"Sure, but during the weekdays I'm quite busy, maybe on weekends?" I said in a friendly manner and tried not to be bitchy.

"It would be amazing to spend my weekends then that way!"

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled and he smiled back.

He started rubbing his neck, he looks like he needed something.

"Um.... You need something?"

"I was just thinking if I could get your number?"

"Do you know my name?"

"Rhea, Rhea Sengupta"

"I'm no James Bond!" I 'joked'.

"No you're not, you're Lara Croft." And we both laughed at that. It was lame though.

"By the way, can I know what Mr. X's name is?"

"Logan, Logan Evans, and no, no Logan Paul or Chris Evans."

Okay that was really lame. But I still laughed, I'm a good-girl, not a bitch, I don't treat people like crap.

"Wait you said CHRIS EVANS? I love him, so I love you!" I paused and continued " Wait you said LOGAN PAUL? I hate him, so I don't actually hate you, but I hate you."

And yeah, I was talking blasphemy.

He chuckled and gave me his phone. I typed in my number and bid him a bye. He almost hugged me.

He's cute, to be honest.


Looks like someone found his way to Rhea! And the best part he got her number!

What do you think will happen when Rhea goes with him to 'hangout' on the weekend?

What do you think will happen the Wednesday, Mrs. Marino's nephew comes?

Wait until the next chapters!

1) How I Met Your Father (short-story)
2) Forbidden Sugar (18+ mature novel)

Love @iamashleyhale


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