Chapter 10 : Lovestruck Puppy

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Hey everyone! I'm really very sorry for the delay, I usually don't update so late, but I had been pretty sick this week. However, thanks for all the love and support you guys are giving me. I know my chapters are quite short, but since I'm a high school student I don't get enough time to sit and write chapters longer than 6 minutes. Hope you understand my problem!

The song tagged above is Camila Cabello's Inside Out, it's a really quirky song and I know you guys are gonna love it! Play it while reading this chapter. Swipe left to see the limo gif.

Here's another update!



Gabriel's POV

"Hi, I'm Gabriel Russo, the Managing Director and future heir of the Russo Empire. Nice to meet you Ms.?" I say sticking my hand out for a handshake and with a wide smile.

"Rhea, Rhea Sengupta. I'm a student under the undergraduate degree of Accounting in the University Of California." She shakes my hand and I kiss it gently. She immediately blushes.

To be honest, this woman really looks stunningly beautiful. She has long and wavy dark brown hair, and her bright dark brown eyes are so pretty. It's actually the first time I didn't call a woman hot. She is hot, indeed, but I don't know why it seems, disrespectful of me to think about calling her hot. She's not a slut, unlike the others. She knows how to maintain a distance. But, why is she resisting me? No woman does so. Does she have a boyfriend?

"Zietta, buon compleanno!" I took my aunt's hand in mine and wished her a happy birthday. She smiled as she hugged me, and said, "Grazie figlio, ti sei ricordato che oggi era il mio compleanno?"

"Of course how can I forget about such an important day?" I said with a huge smile covering my face. Auntie returns it with a priceless smile. She looks so beautiful. Oh what on Earth am I going to do without her?

"Umm....if you guys don't mind can you translate what you said?" Rhea finally spoke up with a confused smile. Well I purposely wished auntie in Italian, in order to get Rhea to talk to me.

"It's her birthday today, I was just wishing her. I thought it'd be better if I gave her a day of relief from her household chores and headache of preparing a dinner."

"What, auntie, you didn't tell me it's your birthday?" She said to my aunt. She looked a bit mad at her. Like, she was genuinely hurt because my aunt didn't inform her.

"Ah, young lady, if I told you, you'd have brought me some expensive shit. And I don't want you to spend money ruthlessly over me." She replies her.

"You know what? I'm so mad at you right now, but, it's your birthday, guess I'll forgive you." Rhea says making a sad face.

Aunt Giana hugs her tight and her face lightens up. She looks even prettier now. She looks so innocent. She is an angel in human form. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I acting like a lovestruck puppy? I'm a devil, I like women for their bodies, no strings attached is my thing. So what is she doing to me? Maybe, it's just lust that I feel for her, in a different way. Maybe, once I have her, and I'm satisfied, my 'lovestruck puppy' personality will finally calm down.

She pulls back from aunt and looks at me. She gives me an angelic smile and I return it with a devilish smirk. She shrugs and blushes. Rhea does look cute like this. Not again!

We reach the Providence, within fifteen minutes. The butler opens the door for me and I, like a gentleman reached out my hand for Aunt Giana to get out of the car. I noticed Rhea smiling at this gesture of mine. So, after Aunt got out, I offered my hand to Rhea. She hesitantly took it. A jolt of electricity passed through my body, again. This is the second time of me touching her hand and feeling something different. Something I never felt before. Not with any other woman. She is just so much more different. Normally I do blondes and redheads. Never brunettes. Why is she so different? Ugh! No! No lovestruck pup anymore! I'm gonna have her. Tonight.


Rhea's POV

We entered the restaurant with Gabriel holding my hand all the way through. He acted as if we were something. But, honestly, I love a guy called Logan, and Gabriel can't be fucking kidding with me right now. Maybe, I'll tell him I have a boyfriend, and that we love each other. His devilish looks and flirting techniques won't work. At least with me.

We get seated in our reserved table. This restaurant is one of the most expensive restaurants out in Los Angeles. It'd would at least take ten grand to reserve one table.

"What would to like to have sir?" A waiter came up to us and asked Mr. Russo.

"Oh, Zia what would you like to have? After all it's your birthday." Mr. Russo turned towards Mrs. Marino with a smile and asked her.

"I'm on a vegan diet, so I guess I'll have some Pappa al Pomodoro with Eggplant and Risotto; and some Tiramisu." Mrs. Marino ordered her dinner to the waiter.

"And what would you like to have Ms. Sengupta?" Mr. Russo asks with a smirk. What the hell is wrong with his face? Does he smirk all the time, or is it just when he sees women? Or is he getting a boner seeing me? That's disgusting. And it's weird the way he looks at me.

"Anything would do." I shrug.

"Ah no Ms. Sengupta, if you really consider yourself to be an independent woman, then you should really know what you want." He smirks again pretending to doubt my decision making nerve. Ugh! I fucking hate that smirk.

"Uh, it's not like that." I clench my jaw, which is almost invisible to anyone's eye. "I'd have some Chicken Cacciatore with Orzo; and for desserts I'd have Panna Cotta." I say looking towards the menu. I honestly have no idea what these are but anyhow reading that it's something made of chicken I order it. Though I had Panna Cotta once. Mrs. Marino made it for me.

My phone was in vibrate mode, and it suddenly vibrates with a message notification. It was Logan. Oh fuck. I miss him so much. Wish he was here with me and Mrs. Marino, instead of Gabriel.

Logan : Hey baby! ;) How's your dinner date with that richass guy and his aunt going on?

Gabriel places his order and I'm not even fucking bothered about what he ordered. Let him suck dick. I just reply to Logan.

Me : How I wish you were here with me and Mrs. Marino, instead of that stupid ass flirt.

Logan : Is he trying to hit on my girl? Oh, if he does I'm gonna beat the shit outta him. Just command me baby.

Me : It's okay babe, I got this sorted.

Logan : Okay princess as you wish ;) I love you bye!

Me : I love you too, take care, bye.

"Why on Earth are you smiling and blushing sweetheart?" Mrs. Marino caught me off guard.

"Uh, what, oh, no, nothing, it's just, uh - a friend forwarded a joke." I replied to her stuttering.

"Really?" And Mr. Russo again says it with that fucking smirk.

"Yes it is." I say confidently. I switch my phone off then.

The food arrives after ten minutes and I start stuffing myself. Honestly, if it's food I don't care about anyone looking at me. Like it or not, I love my food more than how I look. And I finish my food in no time. Mr. Russo looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"What?" I ask him raising one eyebrow. He mouth is still wide open.

"Shut it close dear boy, she is a real foodie. It doesn't take her more than five minutes to finish off her food." Mrs. Marino lets a little laugh out and explains him. He closes his mouth.

"Is it just food that you finish in five minutes?" He says, smirking again!


A quick question : Are you guys watching 13 Reasons Why Season 2?

It's so freaking good. But, honestly I held back a few tears. I cried when Zach explained the story that happened during the summer. It was a bittersweet part. I wished they didn't break up. But, no more spoilers. Sorry!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you did, don't forget to vote, comment and share! Also follow me here on Wattpad! @iamashleyhale

Love you guys,


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