#3 Your Smile

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Smile shows the guy she is enjoyable and pleasant. This can make a guy comfortable to be around with.


"The kind of confidence we're talking about really comes down to feeling good about your appearance and attractiveness," says Craig Malkin, Ph.D., a Harvard psychologist- The Datereport

"Men who smile were considered fairly unattractive by women," but when girls smile it's different "Women who smile are absolutely very attractive. That was by far the most attractive expression women showed," said Jessica Tracy, a University of British Columbia psychology professor who directed the study-Chicagotribune

A woman's smile has a magical effect on men, over and above eye contact. One study examined how men approached women in a bar (Walsh & Hewitt, 1985). When a woman only established eye contact with a man, she was approached 20% of the time. When the same woman added a smile, though, she was approached 60% of the time-Psy Blog


Being happy can make you look younger.

People who frown use more muscles then smiling.

Their are many kinds of smiles.


Make sure you don't have something in your teeth.

Do not bat your eyes, boys thinks you have something in your eye or something is wrong.

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