#15 Exercise

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A girl who exercise can show or make a guy infer that she likes to take care of her self and be healthy.


10 Exercise Myths

1) Stretching will help prevent injuries.

2) No pain, no gain.

3) As long as I go to the gym 30-45 minutes, that gives me a pass to do what I want for rest of the day.

4) You can spot reduce for tight abs or toned arms.

5) Chug a protein shake after workout.

6) Low-intensity exercise burns more fat

7) Your weight is the end all, be all.

8) Heart rate monitors will let you know how hard you're working.

9) Women shouldn't lift weights because it'll make them bulky.

10) Your cardio machine is counting the calories you're burning.

For more information about 10 Exercise Myths go to: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/06/24/exercise.myths.trainers/

Workers who workout get paid more:According to a study in the Journal of Labor Research, workers who exercise regularly earn nine percent more on average than employees who don't work out. The study from Cleveland State University claims people who exercise three or more times a week earn an average of $80 a week more than their slothful coworkers.


Forget expensive anti-aging creams, scientists have discovered that regular exercise may be the key to reversing the skin's aging process.


What I recommend for exercise is running or defensive as in MMA, kick boxing, ect.. Running will come handy like a creepy is falling you. Defensive may come handy too. Their are a lot of creeps out their, so protect your self.

Drink plenty of water. Water can do wonders.

When exercising tie your hair in a pony tail don't so you won't have hair in your mouth.

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