#19 Intelligence

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Being a smart girl has it's pros and cons. But it all depends the guy taste.


Acting like a bimbo loses its novelty to men after high school. What men want in a girlfriend is a woman who can stand as his equal. So be the smart, savvy woman you are! To him, it's a total turn-on.- magazine.foxnews.com

Guy’s Perspective: Are Smart Girls Scary?

Do guys like smart girls, or are they intimidated by them?

If a lady has a successful job, is this off-putting or is it an attractive quality? Should girls who are mature, serious, or go-getters downplay those aspects of themselves to be more appealing to guys?

Here’s my answer: Sometimes; sometimes, no.

I’ll explain in just a minute, but before I go down this road, I would like to say that a smart person looks different depending on who you are talking to. It may refer to the ability to learn well in a classroom setting, a sharp wit, an intuition, street smarts, book smarts, etc. As one of my favorite quotes says:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” –Albert Einstein

For the sake of clarity, when I refer to someone being ‘smart’ or ‘educated’, I’m referring to a person who has had classroom and/or book learning and excels at it. Now that I’ve clarified that, let’s start unpacking my answer!

Do guys like smart girls, or are they intimidated by them?

It all depends on the guy; just like any measure of ‘attractiveness’, each guy has different things that he really likes to see in a girl. Some guys don’t even take ‘smarts’ into account when pursuing a girl!

To be honest, there are guys out there who are intimidated by smart women. I was friends with someone who was attracted to a girl, but because she had more education than he did, he felt that she was ‘out of his league’ and was uncomfortable talking to her beyond just shallow conversation.  So if you downplay your intelligence, you may be more appealing to guys. On the flip side, there are some guys who are incredibly attracted to girls who have lots of knowledge, and it is a deal breaker for them. No knowledge, no relationship.

So, should you downplay your education to be appealing to a larger audience?

I don’t think you should. Yes, it will limit some of your options, but if you pretend to be less smart than you are, you are selling yourself short and you are putting up a façade you will have to maintain for the entire relationship. If your education/knowledge is a deal breaker for the guy, it will come out one way or the other.

Don’t be a pretentious know-it-all, and don’t make others feel stupid for not knowing something that you do, but other than that, if you have an education, use it! Get a guy that appreciates you for who you are – smarts and all.

If a lady has a successful job, is this off-putting or is it an attractive quality?

Women in the workforce; this is a touchy subject for a lot of conservative men and women, and people can get riled up really easily about it. But that hasn’t ever stopped me before!

There are those who would say that it is morally wrong for a woman to have a job outside of the house, and there are those who believe that a woman is depriving herself if she does not get a job outside of the house. I am not here to endorse or dispute either view. If you feel that God is leading you to get a job or stay home, do what He says and forget everyone else.

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