#11 Tomboy

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No matter what a tomboy is still a girl who has feelings. Deep down inside she wants to be loved too.


No. 10: Wearing a baseball hat

Here's how guys ranked her hair on a scale of 1 to 10

Sexiness: 4

Likeliness of Asking Her Out: 5

Here's what they had to say:

The bad: "Boring," "lazy," and "looks plain."

The good: "I feel like she would be easy to talk to and she is low maintenance." - totalbeauty.com

The just plain weird: "Tomboy. Or she just woke up."


"Girls who are very confident, not into that girly stuff always, who loves adventurous stuff like guys do. Certain kind of adventurous guys like these kind of girls. I for one like such girls. These guys don't really have any fetish or aren't necessarily submissive. Tomboys have their own charm. Guys who like girly girls cannot (should not) judge guys who like tomboys. (Not everyone is alike)"- madcap228

When a guy wants to have fun, he does not want to be bothered listening to how a nail broke or the whiny tantrums of a girl because she is afraid of something.

When a typical girl says five minutes, she will take an hour to get ready. Boys might get frustrated waiting for her. But that's not the case with your tomboyish girl. She gets ready in flat five minutes. She does not want to put on that extra makeup because she looks absolutely wonderful without that too. She is attractive with or without makeup. This is yet another reason why boys like tomboys!

It may sound odd but one reason why most guys like tomboys is that they like girls who speak their language. No guy wants a girl who misinterprets his simple statements.-boldsky.com

A large number of guys find tomboys attractive;however, a big mistake men make when dealing with tomboys is assuming that they have no interest in romance and passion. Although she may not be a high maintenance woman who's into getting her nails done, lots of jewelry or does not follow the latest fashion trends, being a tomboy doesn't stop her from being a woman and wanting to be treated with respect and sensitivity.

Tomboys can be sexy in their own right and way and often get mislabeled as bi-sexual or lesbians just because they're different from the average "girly-girl". Most of the time a tomboy will be friends with a guy before she starts liking him and once they do become romantically interested, they tend to get more uptight around guys they like because they want you to think of them as women. -datingfortodaysman.com


What guys want is a girl not afraid to dirty her clothes, be adventurous, and share what they love to do like watch sports, play basketball, eat a big meaty hamburger, and other stuff.


If your are a tomboy wow your guy friends or boyfriend by dressing like a girl for a special event this will make their jaws drop to the ground.

Don't let a guy change you (unless you want too).

be yourself of all times.

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