#6 Makeup

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Makeup the one thing girls can't live without and the leave the house without putting it on.

Why do girls need makeup?

Is it society, to make them beautiful, ect... that is a question some guys want to know.


No.11: Dark red lips

Here's how men ranked this look on a scale of 1 to 10

Sexiness: 5

Likeliness of Asking Her Out: 5

Here's what they had to say:

The bad: "Honestly, I just don't want to be wiping off lipstick from my lips. Doesn't taste that great."

The good: "Old fashioned and classic."

The just plain weird: "Looks like a man. Seriously. The lipstick especially exaggerates the masculine effect like 10 times over by highlighting her masculine features and taking away from her womanly ones."

No. 6: Red lips

Here's how guys ranked this look on a scale of 1 to 10

Sexiness: 4

Likeliness of Asking Her Out: 4

Here's what they had to say:

The bad: "Pretty much kills my desire to ask her out, taking that lipstick off entirely would make her shoot up from a 4 to an 8 in both categories."

The good: "It's very simple. It shows that she took the time to look nice, but didn't want the makeup to overshadow her face."

The just plain weird: "She seems to be wearing a lot of makeup, as if she is wearing a disguise."

No. 3: A super dark and smoky eye

Here's how guys ranked this look on a scale of 1 to 10

Sexiness: 4

Likeliness of Asking Her Out: 3

Here's what they had to say:

The bad: "How do I ask someone out if I can't even find the eyeballs in the sea of ink beneath her eyebrows?"

The good (kind of): "This one is pretty nice, but I'm sure she'd try to kill you after you sleep with her."

The just plain weird: "Heroin Chic went out with the '90s -- darling."

No. 1: A silvery, smoky eye

Here's how guys ranked this look on a scale of 1 to 10

Sexiness: 3

Likeliness of Asking Her Out: 3

Here's what they had to say:

The bad: "If your makeup job makes a gorgeous woman look like this, that's very bad."

The good: "She's fun and experimental, and doesn't take herself too seriously."

The just plain weird: "If you want to look like a crack head ... you are doing a great job."- totalbeauty.com


He cares about first impressions. We all do. They matter. Initial experiences leave an impression on the mind much deeper than most of those that follow; this is simply the way the human brain works. So make sure you are looking great the first few times you meet him; he will remember it- therulesrevisited.com

When Cosmo conducted a poll asking men if they preferred women with or without make-up, a whopping 68% said they preferred the latter. But when we showed them various photos of the same celeb sporting different levels of make-up, almost 73% picked the polished, made-up look!

So, why this disconnect? Recent research explains the difference between what men and women perceive as natural. While to most women, 'natural' means just a dab of lip gloss, men associate 'natural' with flawless skin, sparkling eyes and kissable lips - Cosmo

A study shows that older women who used make-up had less falls and a better posture than those who never or rarely used any makeup. Statistics say that 67% of women received better treatment from others when they wore makeup -medindia.net



make you feel pretty


hide blemishes and other flaws on their face

highlight facial features


save money

can cause serious skin problems

some of them are even toxic

clogs the pores

save time


Before blush is made by woman who pinched their cheeks.

Women who wear makeup make more: Not only do people judge beauty based on how much makeup a woman is wearing, make-up adorned women also rank higher in competence and trustworthiness, according to a study funded by Procter & Gamble, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston University, and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. A study in the American Economic Review said women who wear make-up can earn more than 30 percent more in pay than non makeup wearing workers.


Don't put to much makeup or over do it. Guys will think you look like a clown. They prefer the natural look.

Don't draw eye brows like the shave off ones. Guys defenly don't like that, trust me.

If your in a relationship, make sure he see you with out makeup or your hair done. By this he can see your true self. If he likes it, he is a keeper.

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