#8 Red Lipstick

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Red lipstick been a vintage fab for a pretty long time and even wear today fashion.


A 2012 study found that waitresses who wore lipstick got higher tips from men, and scientific research from 2010 found that women wearing red lipstick received the "most prolonged gazes" from men. And yet we've know plenty of guys who say they simply hate the stuff. - huffpost.com

45% of them don't mind a bright red pout. Nick, Miami University '12, and Ben, Plymouth State University '12, both love the look. Lips with bright red lipstick, "look super sexy," Ben said. Another 35 percent said they'd be less likely to kiss a girl with red lipstick. The biggest problems they have with it: they don't want it on their lips, or their shirt. Jason, Syracuse University '13, though, said, "[red lipstick] might be too much, but if I like her enough I'll kiss her anyways."- hercampus.com


Many women say lipstick makes them feel beautiful and confident. But could it also be making them sick?

But some are not contains lead.

Some of these chemicals are nasty:Cadmium, for example, is a carcinogen that has been found in breast cancer biopsies and shown to cause cancer cells to multiply in lab experiments. Metals are often used in mineral dyes, which give lipstick its pigment, and are also often found in soil and groundwater. "Cadmium is a very common contaminant in soil," says Sharima Rasanayagam, a scientist at the Breast Cancer Fund. "What's concerning is that consumers don't know they're in the lipstick."

The FDA's 2012 test found less than one part per million of lead in Wet n' Wild, Bobbi Brown, and Shiseido brand lipsticks.

Elevated lead levels in adults can lead to a host of health problems from miscarriages to seizures. Lead exposure among children can lead to permanent brain damage and, and as Kevin Drum investigated in Mother Jones' January/February issue, possibly even crime.

information from motherjones.com


Early in the Greek empire, red lipstick or lip paint signaled that a woman was a prostitute, given that most women during that time typically went without makeup.

In 1650, Parliament attempted to ban the wearing of lipstick or as they called it "the vice of painting." The bill, ultimately, did not pass.

During the Roman Empire, lipstick was used as a social status marker. Even men wore lip paint to indicate their rank.

George Washington would occasionally wear lipstick.

In 1915, a bill was introduced into Kansas legislature that would have made it a misdemeanor for a woman under 44 to wear makeup because it "created a false impression."

Queen Elizabeth II commissioned her own lipstick shade to match her coronation robes at the 1952 ceremony. The soft red-blue was dubbed "The Balmoral Lipstick," named after her Scottish country home.

Elizabeth Taylor loved her red lipstick so much she apparently demanded that no one else on her movie sets could wear it.

During World War II, all cosmetics except for lipstick were rationed. Winston Churchill decided to keep lipstick in production because he felt it had a positive effect on morale. Needless to say, lipstick sales did well during the war.

In the mid-2000s, a poll found that 80 percent of American women wore lipstick, about ten percent more than French women.

facts are from huffpost.com


Burt's Bees tinted chapstick is natural and Safe Cosmetics to use.

Make sure what you wear does not contain things that can make you sick.

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