#4 Your Laugh

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Laugh shows a nice, charming, fun, and care free.

When I see a girl laugh when she with a boy it makes me infer she likes the guy, he's funny, or she likes to laugh.

It is true that guys who was interest in a girl can be fade by her laugh. Be proud about your laugh. Many of people can't control our laugh. If he doesn't like your laugh he is not worth it.


In regards to humor, research shows very clearly that women value humor ability in a mate more than men- Psychologytoday

According to Eric Bressler, a psychologist at McMaster University in Canada, Bressler says that his study indicates humor likely developed through sexual selection because it is most desirable in romantic relationships. Women don't care about a friend's sense of humor, whether male or female-psychologytoday


People with allergies can lower allergies action by laughing.

It has been medically been proven that laughter is an efficiently pain killer.

Their are many kinds of laughs.


Some guys don't like a girl giggley or spazzy a lot. Try not to over do it and over act.

When guys make a joke they like it when girls laugh.

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