#12 Profanity

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Profanity guys is a major thing guys don't like. Would you like a boyfriend cursing you out all time?

Guys don't find it attractive. Not a single bit. A stranger said: "I prefer cute girls to be innocent. Cursing isn't innocent. I know a lot of pretty girls and just them cursing or smoking cigarettes makes me drop them off the pedastal."


we (guys) can forgive you the odd cheeky swear word, but when you're effing and jeffing like there's no tomorrow it can be a real turn-off for some men. We like our ladies with a touch of class and cramming your vocabulary with swear words doesn't quite ooze sophistication. What's wrong with using normal words to express your feelings? Dictionaries and thesauruses are brimming with options - take your pick. We're not suggesting that you express your feelings using sentences such as "I am feeling ever so disenchanted" or "I'm awfully embittered by this" but saying something along the lines of "I am flipping angry" or "this is blimming frustrating" are much nicer replacements for sentences packed with foul words. -realbuzz.com


Don't say fuck a lot in every end of a sentence. Someone thinks you have anger issues and many problems. Use it once a month when your super angry.

To stop cussing just stay quite and walk away or say it in your head, no one can't read your mind.

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