#17 Drinking Until Drunk

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Guy's don't like to see a girl getting wasted. Seeing a girl getting drunk and vomiting rainbow is not a pretty image for a guys. But their is always a consequence for drinking it's called hangover.

The Toilet Club is when a person is drunk for the first time and end up vomiting just like the past drinkers.

Some guys love seeing a drunk girl only for one reason... to have sex. Yes you read it right. That's how some girls get pregnant by getting drunk.

When a person is drunk their judgment is not so clear, they start babbling the truth, become careless, and hitting on people.


The myth that guys like women with the naughty cachet of "Girls Gone Wild" has been debunked, concludes a new study, which found that most college men don't look for a lady to match them drink for drink.

According to a survey of 3,616 college students at two American universities, an overwhelming majority of women overestimated the amount of alcohol a typical guy would like his female friends, dates or girlfriends to drink.

The results can be found in the March issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, published by the American Psychological Association.

"Although traditionally, men drink more than women, research has shown that women have steadily been drinking more and more over the last several decades," said the study's lead author, Joseph LaBrie, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Loyola Marymount University.

"Our research suggests women believe men find excessive drinking sexually attractive and appealing, but it appears this is a giant misperception," the expert added.

For the study, the researcher team invited the participating students, ages 18 to 25, to complete an online survey during the 2007 fall semester. The students were at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles or the University of Washington. The women answered several questions to determine, on average, how many drinks they thought a typical college man would like his female friends to drink at a typical event, as well as the maximum number of drinks they thought the men would like their female friends to drink.

They then had to say, on average, how many drinks they thought a woman would have to consume for a guy to consider being friends with her, consider dating her or consider her sexually attractive. The men were asked their actual preferences.

The researchers also asked the women to estimate how much they drank in any given week or month, and how much alcohol they thought the average woman at their university drank in any given week.

The results showed 71 per cent of women overestimated the men's actual preference of drinks at any given event. The women overestimated by an average of one-and-a-half drinks. When the researchers looked at the different subgroups, 26 per cent of women said that men would most likely want to be friends with a woman who drinks five or more drinks and 16 per cent said that men would be most sexually attracted to a woman who drank that much alcohol.

Both estimates were nearly double what the men actually preferred. They also found the women who overestimated the men's preferences were more. - archive.indianexpress.com

" UGH!

Hell the F*CK NO!

I don't like Drunken women! I don't even drink! I believe in self control. I used to drink, and can maintain my rationale even with a blood alcohol rating 3X the legal limit of Hawaii (I proved it while in the military by passing a field sobriety test with my MP buddies at a party we had and they gave me a breathalyzer just to see if I were even drunk!). People have this stupid misconseption that drinking is a liscence to do stupid things and blame it on the fact that they were drunk! Because of which, people while drunk do stupid things... I don't want anything to do with someone that wants to do something stupid, therefore I avoid women that drink for that reason...

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