7.) A Week Later

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I don't need to try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you with them moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
~Moves Like Jagger ~ Maroon 5~

...April 29, 2019...

Richy, Timmy, Alfred, Damian, Bruce, and I are down in the Batcave, trying to figure out whatever Talia was up to. Bruce is getting his strength back by lifting weights on his bench press.

"You three should go see the team," Timmy says. "I'm sure they'd really like to see you."

"Doubtful," Damian huffs, crossing his arms. "None of them like me."

"That's true," Timmy says. "Maybe if you were a little nicer. But I wasn't talking to you."

Damian retorts by sticking his tongue out at him which Tim reflects back.

"Y-You haven't told them anything yet, right?" I hesitantly ask.

"No, I haven't said a word," Tim responds, looking to me from Damian. "It's not my place to reveal other's secrets. You know, unless they're criminals or whatever."

I sigh in relief, leaning against the computer controls.

"Do you think we should get them to help us?" Richy suggests.

"No," comes Bruce's stern reply. "This is a family ordeal. We aren't involving anyone else." He continues to lift his weights.

"Glad I'm still considered family," I mutter.

"With how you and Grayson coddle, I'm not surprised he doesn't shove you away," Damian scoffs.

I give his cheek a light pinch which he quickly smacks away as I laugh.

"You really should be resting. The summit's tomorrow," Richy says to Bruce.

"It's been a week, I'm fine."

"Like father, like son. All things considered, Master Bruce, you're in surprisingly good condition," Alfred speaks up.

"She treated you... treated us..." Damian lifts his hands up and forms them into fists. "...like we were machines that she could just program. That's all we were to her," Damian says, looking down to the side.

"After Bruce Wayne completes his hosting duties at the summit, we'll gather any leads we can to find her," Bruce continues.

"Why wait? I'll call in Kate and Luke and then–" Richy gets cut off.

Bruce slams his weights along the bars and sits up. "No." He stands up. "You shouldn't have involved them in the first place."

"Batwing pretty much involved himself," Richy responds annoyed.

"And Batwoman? Did she force you to reveal our secrets?" Bruce barks with a glare.

Richy responds back with the same glare if not harsher. We all look between the two of them.

"You weren't here, sir. Master Dick made a judgment call, and I think it was the right one," Alfred says, frowning upon Bruce's behavior.

"Maybe so, but from here on... it's only family." Bruce walks off appearing normal unless you really knew him that he was actually walking off in a huff.

"Kate's going through the hard drive we pulled from the convent," Richy speaks up.

"Fine, but when she's done, that's it," Bruce says, arriving at the bottom of the stairs.

"But we have to–"

Bruce quickly cuts him off, turning to him annoyed. "You're not Batman anymore, Dick! I call the shots around here." He gives a slight glare before making his way up the stairs.

"He's been through an extraordinary ordeal, Master Dick," Alfred tries to reassure.

"Yeah? Well, so have we," Richy huffs in response.

"Well, he may be the true Batman," I say, moving up to Richy and whispering in his ear. "But you looked a lot sexier in the suit than he does."

He gives me a flirty grin. "My ass looked good, I assume?"

"Very good," I respond with a nod. "But I have a better view in the Nightwing suit. No cape."

"You two are disgusting," Damian scoffs with a disgusted look across his face. "I think my breakfast will make a reappearance but on the floor soon if you keep it up."

"For once, I agree with Demon Spawn," Tim nods.

Richy and I look at each other before letting out a laugh.


Richy and I are in the gymnasium of the manor, speaking on the phone with Kate aka Batwoman. Richy is on the gymnastic rings, doing all sorts of exercises while I'm admiring from below.

"What do you mean he doesn't want my help?" Kate's voice rings out in the room.

Richy let's out a very annoyed sigh.

"He says he's grateful for everything you've done, Kate, but he just feels that..." I speak up trailing off, trying to figure out what to say next.

Richy picks it up. "Oh, hell, you know what he's like." He does a few flips before flipping off and landing, moving to the punching dummy nearby. "He just wants to keep it in the family." He begins to let loose his anger on the dummy.

"I thought you wanted me to be part of the family."

"Yeah, what do I know? Find anything on that hard drive, yet?" Richy asks.

"No, I gave it to Batwing. I figured his father's tech could help us."

"I'm sorry about this, Kate. If it were up to me..." He gives the dummy a kick, sending it across the room.

"Nothing to be sorry about. Goodbye, Dick, Aura." She hangs up the phone.

"Well, I enjoyed the show," I admit, walking up to him. "How about we go get you a hair cut now?" I wrap my arms around his shoulders and run my fingers through his hair.

"Aww, you don't like the long hair?" His smile curls into a grin, moving his hands to my waist and pulling me closer.

"No, it's gross, and you look stupid," I answer bluntly.

"Aww, I kinda like it."

I smirk, placing a kiss to the corner of his lips. "How about if you get it cut we go to your place after and have a little fun?"

"Deal," he immediately agrees, giving me a quick peck.

"Then what are we waiting around here for? Let's go," I say, grabbing his hand and moving to the garage. "Let's take a ride on your motorcycle to get there."

"What no running for you?" he teases.

"I like to rest every once in a while. I can't speed everywhere," I admit. "Besides, you're heavy."

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