9.) Hello Again

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Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
~Hello ~ Adele~

...3 months later...July 6, 2019...

"So, where is the new secret base?" I ask.

"It's the Watchtower," Timmy answers.

"Ah, cool," I nod, forming my suit around me as they get in their uniforms.

"Are you okay?" Richy asks.

"Uh, yeah... I'm just gonna see everyone I lied to badly..." I mutter. "Perfectly fine."

"If you're not ready, we don't have to do this," Timmy says. "The whole team is going to be there."

"If I don't go now, I'll never be ready," I admit.

"Flash will be there as well," Bruce speaks up.

Richy steps up to the zeta-tube. "You aren't alone."

Tim finishes changing and steps up next to Richy with Damian right behind him.

Bruce walks up to the zeta-tube. "I'll see you all over there."

"Recognized: Batman, 02."

"I'm with him," Tim says, walking in.

"Recognized: Red Robin, B20." Damian gives a light squeeze to my hand before heading in too. "Recognized: Robin, B28."

Richy holds both my hands in his, pulling forward to place a kiss on my temple. "You got this." He let's go and enters.

"Recognized: Nightwing, B01."

I sigh to calm my racing heart. Well... at least to normal speedster calm. "I can't do this..."

~You must,~ Storm huffs, pushing me forward with her head. ~And you will!~

"Storm! Stop!" I shout. "Storm!"

"Recognized: Bolt, B08. Storm, C03."

~~~Artemis POV~~~⬆️

"Recognized: Nightwing, B01."

"Sounds like the whole family is here," I mutter, setting my book down and beginning to stand up to stretch before going to greet them.

"Recognized: Bolt, B08. Storm, C03."

My eyes widen, and I run off as fast as I can, not hearing the person I'm leaving behind call out for me.

~~~Aura's POV~~~

I nervously exit to find Damian and Richy waiting for me. They each give me a smile.

"Looks like you needed a shove?" Richy jokes, looking at Storm who's still pushing me forward towards them.

"Yeah... She wouldn't let me back out."

Suddenly I'm slammed into by a hug. "Oh my God... You're really here..." he whispers out.

I look up to my uncle and return the hug tightly. "I'm so sorry..."

"How... what? I don't..." he cries out, sobbing on my shoulder.

"I'll... explain everything once the others are here," I mumble, squeezing him tight.

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