Be careful

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Pov Dipper

I woke up early because I was thinking too much. I heard something fall and I race out already dressed. Andrew just dropped a pan and apologize. I helped him make breakfast and he taught me a few things. He even woke up super early to make muffins. They were amazing.

Once we finished eating we left, I was roaming around to find my classes. Someone bumped into me and she was shorter than me.

"I-I'm so sorry." She said.
"It's alright." I smiled.

She looked about ten or eleven. She has dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. She had a pixie cut, her face was lighted skin but not pale and she had freckles.

"Oh no, pup! " She said.
"Do you need help finding something?" I asked.
"I don't want to bother you." She said.
"I don't mind." I said.
"He's small bird like, he's magical, fully black, he's like a mini dog that can destroy almost anything." She said.

She looked at me and told me not to move. She was looking at my shoulder and I looked it. I smiled and the creature hissed.

"I won't hurt you." I said.

Pup looked at me and ruffled his feathers. I tried to grab him but he willing went on my finger.

"Such a good one aren't you." I smiled.

It was a small bird it was like the size of her palm. It could breathe ice which is very nice.

"Pup doesn't like people, but he likes you." She smiled.
"He just wanted to fly bit." I said.
"My name is Star." She smiled.
"My name is Mason but please call me Dipper." I said.
"I'm half-demon and half-spirit and Pup is shadow bird." Star said.
"I can tell he's one." I smiled.

Pup flew back to Star and landed on her shoulder.

"I haven't seen you before." Star said.
"I'm new, I'm trying to find my classes." I said.
"Let me see your paper." Star said.
"Here." I said.
"You must a siren or a mermen." She said.
"I'm not. " I said.
"What? Sirens or mermen usually sing." Star said.
"Pup here is planning to leave again." said.
"You can understand him, You have two talents, that's cool." Star said.
"Well, I'll take you my class is near there anyway." Star said.
"What's you're gift?" I asked.
"I'm a dancer." She smiled.

We became friends and she told me that she was fourteen but her height isn't the best. I heard someone playing the piano and it was amazing.

"Here it is and just a warning be careful, sirens are not the best sometimes." Star said.
"Thanks." I said.

I stepped in and I see a tank and a few seats. The professor looks at me and I wave.

"You must be Mason Pines." He smiled.
"Yes." I said.
"My name is Mr. Voice and I'll be your teacher." He said.
"Please call me Dipper." I smiled.
"Alright please take a seat."

I sat down in the front and looked around. Their was no one here, which is strange.

"I forgot to say that this is a mixed class. The people that perform with intrusments and sing come here." Mr. Vocie said.
"Okay." I said.
"What are you? I'm a siren." Mr. Voice said.
"I-I'm human." I said.
"Very interesting, you also have another talent don't you? " He said.
"I don't call it a talent." I said.
"Speaking to creatures is a rare, you're the only one that can do that." He said.

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