Telling someone about what happened.

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Pov Dipper

It's been two days since Alex kissed me. He gave me my first kiss and that's not how I imagined it.

I'm still pissed at him for doing, he kissed me out of the blue. I need to tell someone because I can't keep this to myself.

I can't tell Mabel because she'll actually try to kill him. I'm pissed at him but I don't want him dead. Plus he'll have a slow death if Mabel kills him.

I walked with night to the stage and I see the girls of the group. I'll tell them because in my situation I'm the female. I don't know what to do and they can possibly help me.

"C-Can I tell you guys something." I asked.
"What's up?" Pyroncia said.
"Can you promise to keep it a secret." I asked.
"Yeah, only between us." Lady Widow said.
"Do tell." Star said.

I took a deep breath and Night jumped in my arms. I caught him and he licked my cheek.

"I got my first kiss in the most unexpected way." I said.
"Tell us everything." Pyroncia said.
"What happens if you didn't like the person that kissed you." I said.
"That's bad." Lady Widow said.
"Was it a good kiss?" Star asked.
"No... " I said.
"So what happened?" Pyroncia asked.
"Remember two days ago?" I asked.
"The singing thing, yeah." Lady Widow said.
"When I went to go think about my life choices and what happened. I was walking and A-Alex went up to me and kissed me." I said sitting down on the stage.

The girls got off the stage and looked at me.

"What did you do?" Star asked.
"I-I quickly pulled away and slapped him across the face." I said.
"Very important question, was it a good slap?" Pyroncia asked.
"That is a very important question." Lady Widow added.
"I felt a red mark on his face. I was so mad that he kissed me out of the blue." I said.
"That's a very good slap." Star said.
"Thanks." I said.
"Did you like him at any point of this?" Pyroncia said.
"no." I said.
"Were you mad because it was like that? Like an out of a blue kiss?" Lady Widow said.
"Kind of." I said.
"Was it because it was a second attempt?" Star asked.
"I-I like someone else." I said.

They all squealed and I look at them. I swear they all act like Mabel when they want too.

"Do we know him?" Pyroncia said.

I nodded yes and I started to blush. I started to think about him, he's so fucking cute. I was playing with my sleeve.

"Tell us." Lady Widow said.
"I-I don't know if he likes guys or just me in general." I said.
"Tell us so we can tell you if there gay or not." Star said.
"N-No, I-I can't tell you guys." I said.
"What do you think of him?" Pyroncia said.
"H-He's sweet to me, he's pretty cute in my eyes, he plays his instrument beautifuly." My blush turned darker and I stopped.
"Your whole face is red, you are crushing on him badly." Lady Widow.
"I-I know." I said.
"That's the cutest thing." Star said.
"He's so fucking cute." I said.

Night jumped off my lap and went into Stars arms. I pushed back my hair and then it went in front of my face again.

"So this is all we know so far." Pyroncia said.
"He plays an instrument, he's sweet to Dipper, he's cute in his eyes and we know him." Lady Widow said.
"Yeah." I said
"Which class is he in? Mr. Voice or Ms. Beat?" Star asked.
"Beat." I said.
"Okay...." Pyroncia said.
"You should take a walk you're a mess." Lady Widow said.

I nodded okay and went off the stage. I started to walk forward and I heard Star say.

"Dipper you're going to bump..... Into Bill."

My hands were on his chest and I looked at him. I stepped back quickly and went back to them. I hid behind Pyroncia and Widow.

"I-I'm such a mess." I said.
"What's going on?" It was only Bill.
"Dipper is a mess today and he's so cute." Pyroncia said.
"I hate you guys." I said.
"Your so cute when you blush." Lady Widow said.
"I wanna die." I said.
"It's true." Star said.
"Stop teasing me! " I said.

I looked at them and I knew what the girls were trying to do. I fucking regret telling them. I went in front of Pyroncia and Lady Widow and they smiled.

"I know what you're trying to do." I said.
"Us? Nothing." Pyroncia smiled.

I felt Bill hug me from behind and the blush got darker.

"I'm so confused." Bill said.
"Can we tell him." Lady Widow said.
"N-No!?" I said.
"OH!? " Star said.
"Fuck." I said.
"I got you Dipper! I won't tell." Star smiled.
"Now I'm lost." Lady Widow said.
"Someone tell me what's going on." Bill said.
"Y-You see... " I said.

Lady Widow and Pyroncia knew I was going go chicken out.

"This little shy boy got his first kiss from a guy he didn't like." Pyronica said.
"I hate you all. " I said.
"He slapped him across the face and it was a good slap." Lady Widow said.
"It was Alex." Star added.

I felt his grip get tighter and the looks at the girls faces didn't look good.

"If I get suspended you'll know why." Bill said.
"W-Wait no! I'm pissed at him but I don't want him dead." I said.
"Will beat the shit out of him work?" Bill asked.
"N-No!? No one is getting hurt." I said.

Lady Widow, Pyroncia and Star raced behind the curtains. They were still watching but from far away. I faced him and looked at him.

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't punch him?" Bill said looking pissed off.
"I-I d-don't want you to get h-hurt." I mumbled soft enough for only him to hear me.

My hands were on his chest as I looked at him. My blush got a bit lighter but I was still red.

"One?" Bill said.
"J-Just listen Bill, y-you can't hurt him because I-I'm afraid that y-you'll get hurt too." I mumbled.
"I hate when you look at me like that." Bill said.
"P-Please d-don't do anything." I said.
"F-Fine." Bill said.
"Thanks." I smiled.

Bill kissed my cheek and I didn't blush as dark.

"I won't do anything." Bill said.

He placed his forehead on my shoulder. Star looks at me and mouths something to me.

"Stop it Star!"
"Fine! " She shouts to me.

Bill made a soft chuckle as he picks his head up.

"I hate emotions."

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