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This isn't a chapter.
I know this is kind of weird because you're probably going to come up with random and funny reasons why this chapter is being made.
Go ahead and write down anything, I dare you.
I love reading your comments because their hilarious as all hell (Where I've came from)
and I just wanna see what you think this chapter is really about.

I'll give you a few seconds.
Go ahead, write down something.
I double dog dare you.
Come on....
Don't be shy.
I'm waiting...
There you go! 
See it wasn't that hard, right?

I'm gonna go to the actually reason why you're reading this chapter in the first place! 
You see....
I have no idea how to end it. 
I knew how much you guys missed this book and I wanted to finish it for you guys, dudes, sir's, helicopter with chainsaws, house plants named bob, it, people, a toaster, a dream demon, really what ever you guys are.

I have no clue how to finish it and to be honest, I'm probably going to end it with one of my old fashion small narration or end it right here.

The ship was docked,
The ship was waiting,
The sails were ready,
The ship had a caption and it's crew,
The ship sailed.

The book is basically done, Dipper and Bill are already together and if I keep writing more chapter, things are going to get confusing and messy.

Trust me. It's gonna get weird.

It would be weird if an writer just ended it's book right their where it makes no sense. I wanted to tell you because they're will be no use in me continuing this book if it's just me looking at my phone or computer just doing nothing.

I just wanted you guys to know that I'm ending the book here instead.

I hope you understand and I love you guys so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! 

AND DON'T WORRY YOU'RE PRETTY LITTLE HEADS! (Honesty whatever you are, don't worry...) 

I already have a book ready for you guys called "Coffee and Kisses." 
I Already made two chapters so you'll all have something to read from me. if you want I mean you don't have too, but whatever. 

Since you're reading this I'll give you a little heads up as well! 

This is terrible news for me..... 

I'm going back to prison,,,,, SCHOOL!

I know it's tragic and I know some of your guys are in school already, I hope you're surviving prison and or hell. 

In two days I am, well on  September 4 I'm going back to school so my update schedule will be weird....

What am I talking about?  I don't have an update schedule... I write everyday!


I just wanted you cats, dogs, butterflies. mutants, superheros, aliens from another planet, attack helicopters, house plants named bob and what ever you are...

Thank you for everything and thank you for reading this book.

I love you~ 

Talent जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें