An accident

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Pov Dipper

I saw so happy that he kissed my cheek that day. I keep thinking about so many things.

In the back of my mind it kept telling me that it wasn't real because it was still a joke. That it could never happen of though it also did.

I'm in my class and we're doing an assignment. I'm still smiling about that day.

"I don't understand the history assignment." Anna said.
"Same here, but I'm still reading the article." Aj said.
"I'm with Anna." Alex said.
"I'm still reading, but I think I understand but the same time I don't." I said.

Mr. Voice was helping out other students until he got a phone call. He answered and then hung up.

"Mason you're needed." Voice said.
"Where should I go?" I asked.
"Office you're other talent is needed." Voice said.
"Okay." I smiled.

I left the room and went to the office which is far away from Voices class. I whistled and Night came racing.

"We have a job to do, but stay near the door for me." I said.

I went inside and I saw the principle fly over to me.

"We couldn't handle this situation ourself and we need your assistance." She said.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"The fence was broken and we didn't notice until today." She said.
"What am I dealing with?" I asked.
"We believe it's about four bear cubs and an adult bear." She said.
"What did you guys try to do?" I asked.
"We made it more upset, but we didn't use nets and weapons. We contacted someone that has your talent, well someone similar but it didn't work out." She said.
"Okay." I said.
"Do you need anyone to come with you?" She asked.
"No I already have my partner." I said.
"The small wolf that I let you keep?" She said.
"Yes." I said.
"Just call us if anything goes wrong." She said.

I left the office and I see Night running around in circles trying to get his tail.

"Night we have a mission." I smiled.
"Ruff ruff!" Night stopped and looked at me.
"We have to find four cubs and a mother or father bear." I said.

I was talking and talking to Night because we needed a plan.

"Should I find the adult bear and then the cubs?" I asked Night.
"The adult may cause more harm, so wouldn't it be better?" I asked.
"I mean I don't know what type of bear I'm dealing with, but if it's part something we may have a fight." I said.
"Bark Bark."
"If it was a regular animal then they wouldn't have called me." I said.
"So it's part something." I said.
"Let's go find the adult first and try to reason with him/her because him/her will cause more harm than cubs right?" I said.
"Where would a bear go?" I asked myself.
"To the cafeteria and cooking classes we go!" I said.
"Ruff ruff!"

We both..... I wouldn't say run but I'm lazy today and running isn't going to happen.

The cafeteria was close by so I didn't really need to run. I walked in and saw everything messed up.

Night kept his guard up while I walked further inside. I walked into the kitchen and a bigger mess was their. I feel so sorry for the janitors when they clean this up.

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