Disney theme

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Pov Dipper

It's been another week and it's been wonderful. I finally named my little pup. His name is night.

Night runs around the school grounds when I'm in class. When I'm out he runs right back to me. He just knows because of the bell. I'm in class and it's the last five minutes.

"Before you leave I have a surprise." Mr. Voice smiled.
"Oh no." Everyone said.
"What? " I mumbled.
"For this week and the next when you see someone from our class, you'll have to sing for them. It has to he the first song that pops in your head, you can't think. This has to be after class not during class." Mr. Voice said.
"What's the theme?" Felix asked.
"Remember two days ago I asked you all a question." Mr. Voice said.
"Themes for songs." We all said.
"The most votes were Disney and I feel sorry for everyone of you." Mr. Voice said.
"No." A few people said.
"What's the point of this?" I asked.
"Teachers will be telling me WHO actually did it. So if you lie I'll know, this will he or not be graded." Mr. Voice said.
"Why Disney? " Someone said.
"That was the most popular vote and if only one more person said Love that would have been it." Mr. Voice said.
"Really!? " Someone shouted.
"Yes, now once that bell rings I'll give you five minutes before this starts." Mr. Voice said.
"Next assignment will be love songs, so start thinking. I'm being nice for once and telling you a ahead of time. Anything relating to love."

The bell rang and everyone raced out. I walked out and started to walk to my hang out.

This is going to be a interesting week.


Those two weeks are almost over and so many people were singing. A lot of teachers were actually out for them.

No one has sang to me which I'm glad. I've sang for others with a small group. Because once someone sang the rest of our classes joined.

The songs that I've heard so far.

"He's a tramp." Lady and the Tramp
"Make a man out of you." Mulan 
"Friends on the other side." Princess and the frog.
"Under the sea." Little Mermaid
"I won't say I'm in love." Hercules
"Be our guest." Beauty and the beast.
"Colors of the wind." Pocahontas
"You've got a friend." Aladdin.
"Can you feel the love tonight." Lion King

Many more, that's all I can remember.
I was on the stage alone because I was waiting for everyone else. I was playing around with Night.

"Little cutie aren't you." I smiled.
"Bark Bark!" Night barked.
"I'm just waiting for a be boy, they're just a bit late." I said.

I start to hear humming and then I look up. Night is in my arms as he looks at me. It was Alex, Anna, Anne, Aj and Felix.

"Please no." I mumbled.
"Teacher is here so we kind of have too." Aj smiled.
"I saw you, sorry." Anna said.

The one who started to sing was Alex. He started to sing "Kiss the girl." but I can feel that he'll change it to boy.

Alex sat next to me and smiled at me. The four were behind me and I wanted to die in a hole.

"There you see him.
Sitting there across the way
He don't got a lot to say
But there's something about him."
"And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss boy." They all joined him at the end.

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