He's always loved you

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Third Person

Dipper was sitting on the couch looking at the writing, he didn't want to open it by himself because he was scared.

He was afraid about what was in the envelope, Dipper was thinking about the worst things possible because he did come out of Felix's backpack. Dipper was tempted to burn, but didn't because his mind was curious was well.

Night was racing to the stage and got distracted by a butterfly for a few seconds before getting back on track. Night saw everyone but Star, Night kept looking around the stage and could find her.

"Bark bark!"
"Hey Night." Lady widow said.
"Is their something you want boy?" Pyronica said.
"Two barks for yes and one for no." Andrew said.
"Do you want something?" Eight-ball said.
"Someone." Eight-ball said.
"Bark bark."
"Is it someone we know?" Paci-fire asked.
"Bark bark."
"Is it one of us meaning the people here." Keyhole said.
"Are you looking for Dipper." Will asked.
"That's a first." Pyronica said.
"Bark bark bark."
"I wish Dipper here to help us with this." Lady Widow said.
"Where is he anyway?" Bill said.
"Hey guys!" Star smiled.
"Where were you?" Pyronica asked her.
"I was doing something for my teacher." Star said.
"Bark bark bark!"
"Hey Night." Star said.
"Bark bark."
" Bark!"
"What are they talking about?" Will said.
"Probably animal things." Star said.

Night and Pup talking about Dipper's little situation with the envelope, Pup was curious about it now. Night told Pup that he needed Star but didn't know how to get her attention and make her to follow her.

Pup pulled her sleeve and Star ignored Pup and Night started to pull her shoe lases, but that didn't grab her attention.


Pup was about to do the undo-able that may get him in trouble later, but they needed her because Dipper needed her. Pup pulled her hair and that finally got her attention.

"PUP!" Star shouted.
"What is wrong with you two?" Star groaned.
"Night's been like this ever since he's came here." Bill said.

Night jumped up and grabbed Star's phone. Pup was on Night's back and told him to run as fast as he could.

"NIGHT GET BACK HERE!" Star shouted while running after them.
"Wait up!" Pyronica said.

Pup told Night to go back and stop the others from following them. They let out their claws and talons making them stay their.

"Okay we won't follow." They said at different times.

When Star came back Night and Pup raced off again making her run again. Star wasn't happy with Night or Pup.

"YOU GET BACK HERE!" Star was catching up with them.

Pup was telling Night to run faster like his life depended on it and Night answered back that his life is depending on it. Night was scared of Star because he's never seen her run at all in front of him, Star just wanted her phone back.

Pup was hanging on to Night because he didn't want to fly at the moment and this was a rush for the bird. He felt like the person in the movies with those car chases that Star would watch with him every Friday night.

They finally made it to Dipper's dorm and once they did they raced under the couch before giving her phone to Dipper.

"NIGHT PUP YOU'RE SO GETTING IT!" Star yelled through the door.
"Why is she mad?" Dipper asked them.
"Bark bark bark."
"Why did you do that!" Dipper said.
"I wanted you to get her not to make her mad." Dipper said.
"It wanted it to be just like those car chases in movies....that's such a good reason." Dipper said.
"High five for that." Dipper said.
"Dipper are you in their!?" Star shouted.
"Y-Yeah I'm going to explain everything to you, but I didn't mean for this part to happen." Dipper said.

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