A camp fire

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Pov Dipper

This school has little traditions and a camp fire is one of them. Everyone is invited and it's during the weekend.

I don't want to go becasue I'm afraid of things being uncomfortable. I mean I don't talk much around people.

I'm in my room with night. He's napping next to me. Andrew knocks on my door and I get up and open it.

"Are you coming to the camp fire?" Andrew said.
"I-I don't really know." I said.
"Come on let's go." Andrew said.
"A-Alright." I said.

I got my sweater and followed Andrew. It was in the woods and this kind of scared me.
Forest fires?

Andrew told me to be careful because people trip. I saw the bond fire and it looked nice. Everyone was around it or hanging around somewhere.

Yesterday was embarrassing but nice. Bill kissed my cheek and I was so happy. I didn't show my happiness because they were there. I see everyone sitting near the fire.

"Sorry that were late." Andrew said.
"It's alright." Eight-ball said.
"What happened so far?" Andrew asked.
"Nothing." Paci-fire said.
"Really?" Andrew said.
"Yeah." Keyhole said.
"It's been boring so far." Will said.

I sneaked away from the group and climbed up a tree. I didn't want to be near people right now.

"I shouldn't have came." I said.
"I-I'm stupid for coming." I said.
"Maybe I should go back to me room? No one will nocited that I'm gone anyway." I said.

I climbed up a little higher and saw the night sky. I decided to stay because of the night sky. It looked so nice from here.

"This is so pretty." I said.

I was a shooting star and I smiled. I climbed down before I slipped and fall. When I was on the ground I looked at the bond fire.

"T-They won't know that I'm gone." I said.

I was about to leave until I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around and saw Alex.

"Dipper." He said.
"W-What do you want?" I asked.
"I'm sorry that I did that, I deserved that slap." Alex said.
". . . ."
"I just couldn't resist the urge of kissing you. I know your mad at me and I'm a terrible person for kissing you without your consent." Alex said.
"A-Alex you're a great guy, you're sweet, smart and have a great voice." I said.
"If you think of me like that then why did you slap me?" Alex said.
"I just got upset Alex, you just don't kiss someone out of the blue. You're all of those things Alex and I'm grateful that you are. You're just not for me, I don't think of you more than a friend." I said.
"I can show you that I really like you." Alex said.
"N-No I don't like you like that." I said.
"I can change?"
"N-No! Don't change yourself for me, I don't want you to change. You're perfect the way you are, it's just I can't see us more than friends." I said.
"What can I do?"
"Y-You're too late either way, I-I like someone else." I said.

His face was full of anger and frustration when I said that. He pinned me to the tree and I looked at him.

"A-Alex I'm sorry that I don't feel the same way." I said.
"Who is it?" Alex asked.
"I-I'm not telling you because I don't want anyone to get hurt." I said.
"Who." He said.
"A-Alex please understand." I said.
"Just tell me who." Alex said.
"I'm not because you're going to get hurt!" I shouted at him.

He forcefully kissed me. I tried to struggle out of his grip but I couldn't. He was hurting my wrist. I felt tears go down my face. I didn't like this feeling with his tongue inside my mouth. It felt weird. I wanted him to stop but I was too weak. He stopped kissing me and looked at me again.

"This isn't you Alex, now let me go." I said.
"Who?" He said.
"I-I'm not telling you." He slapped me after I said that.

Alex quickly pulled my shirt down below my shoulder and then pinned my wrist to the tree. Alex started to give me several hickey's on my neck.

"A-Alex!" I felt blood run down my neck after one bite.
"My parents were right, human blood taste wonderful." He smiled.
"S-Stop t-this hurts."

I tried to make him stop but he wouldn't. He's stronger then me so I couldn't win.

"A-Alex p-please." I said while more tears came down.

His right grip starting to losened. I finally pushed him off me and pulled up my shirt, I wiped my tears away and looked at him.

"I was wrong about you Alex." I said.

I raced out of the woods and ran back to my room. I went to the bathroom and looked at my neck. There were hickey's and a bite mark. My wrist were bruised as well. My sweater was was around my waist. I took itband checked if it covered what Alex and it did.

When I looked in the mirror I saw myself beaten up next to Alex. Tears start to roll down my cheeks as I race out of the bathroom.

I went inside my room and Night was still sleeping. I covered my mouth as tears rolled down.

"I-I c-can't believe h-him." I said.

I laid down next to Night as he cuddles me. I slowly started to fall asleep.

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