Think you're a big shot?

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Pov Dipper

It's been a three weeks and I'm having a great time here. Everyone is so nice, well the people in my friend group.

I'm not a social butterfly like Mabel.

I'm awkward, I'm extremely shy, I can't make conversation with out stuttering at times, I can't take compliments well, I end up blushing like crazy when people hear me sing when I don't know. I'm a mess.

I wanted to explore the woods after class since we have a two lour break. When I was doing my work three sirens and two merman went up to me.

Mr. Voice had to step out to talk to teacher. He trusts us to be alone and it's only a few minutes before class ends so it's fine. I think?

"You!" She shouted.

Everyone went silent and then they went back to talking. A male goes up to me and smiled. I see a faint blush appear on his face.

"Damn he's cute." I heard him mumble.
"Alex Felix." A girl with red hair snapped.
"Calm your tits Anne." The other male said.
"Shut it Alex!" The same female said.
"Anne, shouldn't we do our work and not do this?" A female with glasses said.
"Not now Anna." Anne sighed.
"Don't give her that-"
"I-It's alright Aj." Anna said to Aj.
"C-Can I help you with something?" I asked.

They all looked at me. I look down and then look back up.

"You think you're such a big shot don't you?" Anne said.
"I-I don't." I mumbled.
"Everyone out! " She yelled.

The bell rang on time when she yelled that. Everyone raced out and I just looked at them.

"D-Did I do something to make you upset? " I asked.
"You being here. " Anne spat.
"W-What?" I said.
"Ever since you showed up Mr.Voice has bee paying more attention to you." Anne said.
"I-I don't want to be the center of attention, I-I don't like the spot light." I mumbled.
"Just becasue you're human doesn't mean I won't harm you." Anne said.
"Way too far." Aj said.
"Shut it Aj." She said.
"I-I don't mean to make you upset." said.
"Leave him alone already, he hasn't sang yet. So he's not a threat." Alex said.
"That's true Anne, Anna and Aj." Felix said.
"I don't really care." Aj said.
"I-I just don't want anyone to get hurt." Anna said.
"If you steal my title I will end you." Anne said.
"I-I don't want your title." I said.
"Everyone wants her title." Aj said.
"I-I don't." I said.

I stood up and looked at them while getting my stuff.

"I-I don't want anyone's title." I said.
"I don't care about my rank in this school." I said.
"Anne he's no threat." Anna said.
"Shut up Anna! " Anne said pushing he to the ground.
"You little shit! " Aj yelled.
"Not again." Felix said.

Her glasses went under the teachers desk. I placed my stuff down and got her glasses. She was blind with out them.

"oh my, oh my." she mumbled.
"Anna is it?" I said.
"I shouldn't be talking to you." She mumbled.
"Here." I said.

I pushed her hair back and put her glasses where they belonged.

"There." I smiled.
"T-Thank you." She smiled.

I helped her up and she mumbled thank you again.

"Touch her again like that and you're dead." Aj shouted.
"Fuck you." Anne said.
"Stop it." Anna yelled.
"You better watch your back Pines." Anne said.

She yelled coming closer to me. I didn't want to hurt anyone, I don't like hurting anyone.

"Yo Dipper-" I see Pyroncia said.
"Dipper!" Star smiled and hugged me.
"We've been waiting-" Lady widow said.

Star looked at the sirens and hissed. Anne hissed back and Star stuck her tongue at her.

"You're lucky this time." Anne said.

They left one by one with their own little good bye. Anne stuck the middle finger at me. Anna smiled and said thank you again. Aj said thanks for helping her younger sister. Felix just left. Alex went up to me and gave me a flirtatious smile.

"See you later cutie."

He was close to my lips while saying that. I got scared when he went that close to me. He said that while placing his finger under my chin. I was scared.

"Thank you for saving me. " I said.
"Those five are annoying." Pyroncia said.
"I don't think Anna is annoying, she tried to help me." I said.
"What was that about with Alex?" Lady Widow asked.
"I don't know but I was scared." I said.
"Come on Dipper." Star smiled.

We left the room and I was still confused about what happened.

We went to out little meet up spot and it was on the stage. I realized that this little school is just a regular high school.

We have sports, clubs, concerts, Prep-rallys, Prom, other special events.

Everyone does something in this school. Pyroncia, Star, Lady widow (Widow lost a bet) are cheerleaders.

Bill plays football (not surprised that he plays a sport. He's the quarter back).

Paci-fire and Will are a part of the student body.

Key-hole, Andrew and Eight-ball are in a debate team (surprised about that).

I help plan the special events and prep-rallys. I'm kind of apart of the student body, no I'm apart of it. Yeah.

I forgot that I was of the study body for a quick second. My bad.

We were all talking about those actives that we were apart of. Apparently we have a football game in five weeks.

A day before the game we have a prep-rally. That the student body planned. The cheerleaders have to perform in the prep-rally and during the games.

The students design cheerleader outfits, the ones that have the talent.

I'm thinking about what happened a few minutes ago.

Now I have an enemie, that's great.

I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.

"A big shot?"

"I'm not one."

"What was I thinking."


"I'm not cut out to be one."

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