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Pov Dipper

I've been talking to my other group of friends lately, more than my regular group. In my opinion everything has been going great.

For the past few weeks my feelings have been getting stronger for him and I hate it. I've been a complete mess when we're alone and it sinks, I was so awkward and I'm such a mess.

I'm with Anna and Aj talking about random stuff before I got to my other group of friends. We were all sitting down.

"Dipper?" Anna said.
"Y-Yeah?" I said.
"You've been distracted lately, what's up?" Aj asked.
"It's nothing." I said.
"Somethings up." Anna said.
"Well....something is in my mind, but you might not care." I said.
"We do." Aj said.
"Well.... " I said.

My face turned a faint red because I was thinking about Bill. I just hate when this happens.

"You can tell us." Anna said.
"I-I just can't say without turning red." I said.
"Is it about someone or something?" Aj asked.
"Yes." I mumbled.
"I think it's someone." Anna said.
"Yeah... " I said.
"Spill the tea, what's going on?" Aj asked.

I fell on my back and groaned.

"Love sucks." I said.
"Aww you like someone." Anna said.
"Love is overrated." Aj said.
"Don't crush his dreams." Anna said.
"Let her, I know I don't have a chance." I said.
"Don't think like that?" Anna said.
"What about you? Have you found someone?" I asked them.
"Nope." Aj said.
"Nevermind I agree, love sucks." Anna said.

We were all laying on the ground and I looked at them.

"What's your story?" I asked.
"He's a artist his name is Jesse" Anna said.
"He's a trans boi." I said.
"He's still really cute." Anna said.
"I remember him as Jessica." Aj said.
"He's really cute but out of my league!" Anna said jolting back up.
"I like no one." Aj said sitting back up.
"Not even a houseplant?" I jokingly said.
"Me and Bob are doing great, he's such a good houseplant." Aj jokingly said.
"Great." I smiled.
"What about your tragic love life?" Anna said.

I sat up and looked at the both of them.

"I like someone in my friend group." I said.
"Who?" Aj asked.
"The only pianist in our group." I said.
"You like Bill cipher?" Anna said.
"I know, I know..... It's never going to happen." I said.
"That's right." Aj said.
"What? I thought you were gonna tell me the opposite." I said.
"Nope, he's no good." Aj said.
"He's not such a good person sometimes." Anna said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well.... " Aj said.

I kept looking at them and they finally decided to speak.

"This is a warning Dipper." Anna said.
"What do you mean a warning?" I asked.
"We just don't want you to get hurt." Aj said.
"...." I didn't answer.
"He's a player." Anna said.
"H-He can't be." I said.
"He flirts with people and then once you've realized your feelings, he's gone." Aj said.
"Are you sure?" I said.
"When you confess or try to confess two things can happened." Anna said.
"Like what?" I said.
"He doesn't hesitate to reject you and sometimes his wording isn't pretty." Aj said.
"O-Or?" I said.
"He'll show you that he's not interested. That's the worst way." Anna said.
"Are you sure? I don't think he's the type of person to do that." I said.
"These are rumors, I don't know if it's true." Aj said.
"We just don't want you to get hurt." Anna said.
"Okay." I said.
"Their just rumors, maybe their not true." Anna said.
"Yeah, think about it this way Dipper. Those are rumors that could easily be fake, since none of us as ever tried it could be wrong." Aj said.
"You're right." I said.
"Alright!" Anna smiled.
"Where did Alex go?" I asked.
"He went to do something." Aj said.
"I have to go girls." I said.
"Alright." They said.

I got up and went to my other group of friends. I saw night sitting next to pup.

Night jumped into my arms and I smiled.

"Hey Night." I smiled.
"Sorry that I was late bud." I said.
"Hey Pup." I smiled.

I went to the stage and I see everyone just talking to each other.

"Hey guys." I said.
"Hey Dipper." Star smiled.
"Chirp Chirp."
"Pup shhhh, that's a secret." I said.
"Night don't say that." I said.
"Haha let's not." I said.
"Dipper what's going on?" Star asked.
"It's just animal gossip." I said.
"About?" Lady Widow asked.
"I can't tell." I said.
"Man.... I wish I had that talent." Pyroncia said.
"I wouldn't consider it a talent, it's a blessing and a curse to me." I said.
"Why? You can talk to animals. That's super cool." Andrew said.
"I don't know, to me it's caused me trouble." I said.
"Their has to be some good things." Eight-ball said.
"I only used my talent to help them, to see what's wrong." I said.
"That's a good thing." Paci-fire said.
"But you can't help everyone." I said.
"That's true." Paci-fire said.
"Night is growing pretty fast." Keyhole said.
"I know." I said.
"By that rate you can't carry him anymore." Will said.
"I know, but I wish he could stay smaller." I said.
"No way really?!" I said.

Night shrunk himself and it was smaller. He was the fluffiest thing now.

"Pup he's fluffy, I'm so sorry." I said.
"Awe... " So cute.

Night stood on his back legs and started to walk to me. He landed on me and it was the cutest thing.

"Guys.... I've never been this happy." I said.
"This is the cutest thing." Star said.
"He was trying to give me a hug." I said.
"You'll never get old of Night." Lady Widow said.
"Just look how cute he is." I said picking him up.

Star just looked at Night and she looked at me. Night stuck his tongue out.

"Damn... " Star said.
"No you're adorable to Pup." I said.
"Bill you haven't spoken in a while." Will said.
"I wasn't paying attention, what did I miss?" Bill asked.
"Just Dipper showing more love and affection to Night more than us." Lady Widow said.
"He's just a bundle of fluffiest." I smiled.
"He loves Night more than us." Pyroncia said.
"Pfff... No." I said
"Maybe." I said.
"What's so amazing about cute things." Bill said.

Bill went up to me and Night. I smiled and made a soft chuckle. Night placed his paw on Bill's cheek.

"Bark." Then he stuck his tongue out again.
"haha... " I laughed.
"I-I...." Bill was confused.
"Night don't say that." I kept laughing.
"What did he say?" Eight-ball asked.
"He called him stupid." I smiled.
"Whatever." Bill said.

Night jumped out of my arms and went into Bill's and licked him.

"He loves you." I said.
"The most kisses he'll ever get." Keyhole jokingly said
"Shut up." Bill said.

We all laughed and I made a dull smile as I looked at Bill.

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