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Like I said in the story disceiption I wrote this a while ago and it's still not finish but again I hope you enjoy it and here's a little bit of description of Castiella Winchester and what's going on in the story.


Dean and Castiel are finally married and have a wonderful  five year old daughter named Castiella but everyone calls her Cassie. There's only one problem with her: she's a nephilim and in heaven they're are strictly forbidden. Cassie already knows about that and she can already use her powers except flight.

How Cassie looks: Cassie has long brownish blonde hair and green eyes just like Dean and she has Castiels wing color: black. She can the her eyes yellowish orange to show she's a nephilim(like Jack's but he doesn't exist in his fan fic and I'm sorry)

I don't own any of these characters except for Cassie.

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