Chapter 9

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A/N There's a chance this chapter might be emotional so be prepared for the feels.

Cassie's POV:

While I waited for Sodapop, Ponyboy, and Darry to go to sleep I watch tv. It wasn't Mickey Mouse like we watch during the day.

I listened to Sodapop's and Ponyboy's conversation while I watched some tv show.

They were still talking about Meg. I don't know why but I think Ponyboy likes her.


Eventually Ponyboy went upstairs to go to bed along with Sodapop.

Darry was in the kitchen, washing dishes.

I needed Darry to go to bed so I can see if I can call Uncle Bobby.

Darry finally finished washing the dishes and went upstairs before he turned off all the lights and the tv.

I got up and walked to the phone.

I pressed the weird spinning thing but nothing happened.

After five minutes, I then realized that I had to spin the weird spinning to the number I wanted to.

I used my powers to call Uncle Bobby from home but first I changed my voice to sound like Uncle Sam.

The phone rang twice before Uncle Bobby finally picked up.



"Bobby it's Sam I need some help."

"Sam? It's been a while. What ya need help with?"

"I'm kind of... in a different dimension."

"You're in a different dimension? Did Gabriel put you there? Where's Dean?"

"Yeah, Dean isnt here with me and Gabriel said he'll be back soon but still nothing."

"Well there must be something 'bout that dimension that Gabriel chose. How's it like there?"

"Well first it's 1965, nothing supernatural is here, and there's these soc and greaser kind of rivalry."

"Hang on I'll find out what dimension your in. It'll take a minute."

Uncle Bobby took a few minutes to say something else.

The light upstairs turned on and I ducked behind the armchair. Darry came downstairs.

He looked all over the house to see if he could find anything. I was probably too loud.

Eventually Darry gave up on trying to find the noise so he went back up to bed.

"Sam? Sam, you there?"

"Yeah still here. What were you saying? You found out which dimension I'm in?"

"I can't believe you don't know boy. You're in The Outsiders dimension. You said you loved that book when you were and Sam were in a high  school while John was on a hunt. I read it and Dean saw the movie then read it."

"Oh, yeah now I remember."
"Wait, how did you managed to call me? You're in a different dimension."

"Oh I uh... somehow managed to call you. Just had a thought if I could. Thanks anyway Unc- Bobby"

"We're you just about to call me uncle?"


"Cassie is that you?"

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