Chapter 7

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A/N I'm officially out of school!!! Also I'll probably do different Point of views in this chapter because I think it will make the story better.

Cassie's POV

Me and the gang were walking to the DX. I don't know exactly what that place is but all I know is that Sodapop and Steve work there.

Dally was carrying me. I don't know why but I like being around Dally a lot.

The gang was talking about the what they thought was a ghost at the Dingo.

They didn't wanted to talk about it but Two bit brought it up again.

"So if the ghost only attacks socs then that means it won't attack greasers or maybe it will only attack when it's angry," Two bit suggested.

"Or maybe-" Dally covered Two bits mouth with his hand.

"Would you just shut your trap about that ghost!" Dally yelled. Two bit moved his hand.

"Well soooorry," Two bit said sacarsticly.

I had to hold in my laughter because of what Two bit was saying about ghosts before Dally yelled at him to shut up like he thought the ghost would leave a glowing green slime.

After a while we made it to the DX.

It was an old looking gas station with a garage next to it.

Ponyboy's POV

We finally made it to the DX. I was still kind of scared from what happened back at the Dingo.

Nothing like that ever happened before and it probably scared Cassie a lot which might explained why she's not talking at all but when we were walking, every time I looked at her Cassie looked like she was about to laugh.

Mostly when Two bit was talking about the ghost.


It's like she was behind it but she couldn't have done that.

She's only five years old.

What I do remember back at the Dingo is that the socs that the ghost attacked were the same socs that called Cassie a yellowed eyed freak.

I still don't understand why they even called her that since Cassie's eyes are green but having yellow eyed must scare people.

Even though I cant stand people with green eyes I like Cassie mostly because she's adorable.

I can't imagine anyone having yellow eyes.

"Hey guys," Sodapop shouted.

"Hey Sodapop," I replied. I looked over at Cassie again.

She looked happy to see Sodapop.

I guessing Sodapop is her favorite in the gang, next to Dally since she did meet Dally first.

"Sodapop!"Cassie shouted and tried to get out of Dally's grip.

Dally put Cassie down and she ran to Sodapop.

Sodapop picked her up and set her on his side.

Cassie's POV

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