First Day

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Amy Santiago was quietly confident, it was her first day at a new school and she'd read her research binder about 50 times. She knew all her classes, all her teacher's names and theoretically she'd be able to please them all. Theoretically.

Her dad pulled over and gave her a quick good luck handshake up, down, release.

Time to go.

She entered registration to find a short boy eating fish doughnuts and chanting 'jake, jake, jake, jake!' This so called Jake was attempting to slide across the full room in his socks, how Immature. He had wavy brown hair and a twinkle in his eye that turned off as soon as he slid right into their form tutor.

After form, Amy makes her way to Chemistry she pulls out her rose-gold planner (with the good colourful tabs) and centers it in the top right corner of her desk. Then she unzips her pencil case, it's a good pencil case 7 different compartments, pen holders, a seperate pocket full of binder clips. Nothing is out of place. Next she turns around. She sees the inner ink tube of a pen, a blunt pencil and her new lab partner Jake Peralta.

The lesson starts of with a practical, Jake forgets to plug in the bunsen burner, measures the wrong amout of sodium hydroxide and makes countless other mistakes but Amy is there to clear them up. She sits next to him and gets slight goosebumps when his leg brushes against hers.
'Hey Ames, have you got a pencil sharpener? '
She's awoken from her trance by his voice.
' umm yeah, sorry are you really going to use an HB for a graph though? Look, just borrow my spare H2. ' she said unable to believe his lack of equipment.
' There's different types of pencils?! ' he replied shocked.
Amy shook her haid at his ignorance and tucked her hair behind both her ears.

Brooklyn High School: Class 99Where stories live. Discover now