The Big Night

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Amy brushed through her hair in the bathroom mirror, breath in.... Breath out.... Breath in.... Breath out.
She attempts to convince herself that Jake's mom will love her and she'll be able to 'sneak in'. She runs out of tue bathroom and straight into Jake
"oh hey, sorry I was trying to find you" Amy blurted out.
"No doubt, no doubt let's go see my mom! " Jake grinned.
Her heart beat wildly on the walk to Jake's house, they finally reached the beautiful front door after half an hour of awkward small-talk.
" Hey Jacob! And you must be Amy, you look even nicer than Jakey said you did. " his mom says with a warm laugh while both Amy and Jake go red.

" So I heard you and Jake are going out tonight? " Karen asks,
Amy anxiously replies " Ummm, yeah, don't worry we won't stay out to late and we won't be to far away and I'll have my dad on speed dial and-"
"Don't worry I'm just glad Jakey here has a date"she chuckles
"It is NOT a date!! " Jake and Amy shout in unison.  Inside Amy saddens when she hears that Jake doesn't think it is and wonders if maybe it could turn into one......

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