The Party (part 2)

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About an hour into the Party Amy's sat on the bed in Jake's room trying to escape the crowd of teens in the living  room.
Then Chelsea walks in.

'Hey Amy can you get the pack of coke from the top shelf in Jakey's wardrobe for me, we're going to play spin the bottle and I can't reach them.'

'ummm, sure, ' she replies not wanting to confront her just yet and secretly pleased now she knew Jake dumped her.

As Amy reaches through Jake's coats looking for the bottles she hears a click and everything goes dark. Then a laugh echoes through the room. She was locked in a wardrobe. There were no bottles. Chelsea was evil.

She shakes the door with no result everyone was downstairs. Her claustrophobia was making this unbearable. She starts to hyperventilate. She can't cope.

Meanwhile downstairs Jake is talking to Chelsea's best friend Naomi.

'Hey Naomi, have you seen Ames anywhere?' Jake enquire.

'umm she left to go hang out with her boyfriend, Teddy.' Naomi lies.

'oh, she has a boyfriend?' Jake says his face falling.

'um. Yeah? He went to her old school and is REALLY smart like mensa smart.' she makes up on the spot.

Jake wanders off, oblivious to Naomi reporting back to Chelsea and them laughing about their trick.

Naomi then has an idea. John. John had a crush on her and everyone knows that he'd go along with anything she said, anyone but Amy (she never socialised with the popular group).

Naomi brings John to Jake's room and sits down on the bed with him. Amy is about to shout for help when she hears them. But then she hears. Naomi. 'Hey did you hear what Jake was saying about Amy downstairs?!'
Naomi says
'uh yeah, that was really.... Something' John replies oblivious to the fact that Amy was in the wardrobe and just trying to impress Naomi.

Amy puts her ear to the door.

'I mean he was right though she is a ugly stuck up prep girl!' Naomi laughs

'um yeah he was so right when he said that'

Amy sinks to the floor and stays still while they leave.

Naomi was a very convincing liar.

Finally she hears Rosa's voice and bangs on the door. Rosa opens it holding a knife, Amy jumped

'oh sorry Amy, why are you in there?  what's going on?'


Amy leaves without being seen.

Brooklyn High School: Class 99Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora