Getting Closer

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A week later.

Amy complains to her father in the car : 'It's awful, my maths teacher doesn't even understand the monty hall problem'
'well, have you met any friends? 'Amy's dad asks
' umm. my lab partner is quite cute. I MEAN NICE'
'OK... ' Amy' s dad frowns.

At school she sees cute wait nice Jake sitting by himself, when she gets closer she sees the tears.
'Hey Jakey, you ok? ' she quietly asks
' uh, yeah, well no, yesterday was my birthday and... It was the first time m-my dad didn't show up' he says trying to hold back the tears.
'Oh jake, I'm so sorry' she says. They barely know each other but after a quick Facebook stalk when she realised she might like 'like' him she could see his dad was a jerk. She's about to sit next to him but suddenly
'hey bitches! Why are you hanging out with this nerd J, have you seen her binder collection?! I'm Gina linetti BTW you've probably heard of me'
Amy was taken aback 'umm I'm Amy Santiago and I'm not a nerd'
'yeah sure you're not, anyway Jakey Taylor Swift is playing in town tonight and I know how she makes you feel things so lets sneak in! '
Jake replied with' She makes everyone feel things! Yes, that sounds great but my mom would never let me go out with you again after what happened last time. '
' the fire wasn't that bad' Gina whined.
Amy suddenly has an idea 'hey I could come and you could tell your mom you're going with me! At my old school I was voted most likely to befriend a parent'
Jake grins 'self burn those are rare, but yes that's great! Call your mom'

'Hello darling'
'hey dad, can I go out with my friends tonight'
'which friends? '
' Jake and Gina'
'full names obviously'
'Jake Peralta and Gina Linetti'
'They look ok, be back by midnight, don't drink.'
'thanks dad'

'it's fine! I'll come with you to tell your mom after school '
' sounds great' Jake smiles and his eyes twinkle again

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