The Big Night Part 2

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After collecting a dolled up Gina they make their way to the venue. Amy is scared. No Amy is terrified...

She has never done something so rebellious, so risky before today. Plus it's happening in front of the boy she wants to impress. Why did she get herself into this? Why would she agree to it? Oh yeah, she remembers the look of admiration she got from Jakey when she put herself forward and sighed. They see the bouncer at the gate and hide behind parked cars in silence (apart from the sound of Gina's fake nails tapping against her phone screen) as they sneak around to the back of the venue. They see the fire escape door.... On the other side of a fence.

Gina tells Jake she's too pretty to do this before scaling the fence quickly and landing gracefully on the other side. Jake slowly climbs up the side and jumps down to be next to Gina. Amy's turn, she feels her breathing quicken as she approaches the fence, what would her seven brothers say if they saw she couldn't climb it she takes a deep breath and starts to climb. She reaches the top and with a sigh of relief jumps... Straight into Jake. 'oh God C' mon Amy'she thinks to herself as she looks down at his laughing smile and twinkling eyes. They stare at each other for a minute before remembering what's going on and standing up whilst brushing themselves down. Amy ad Gina hear Jake slowly mutter 'cool cool cool cool cool cool cool' under his breath while Amy rapidly tucks her behind both ears.

They open the fire door and quietly join the crowd. They did it. They have an amazing night of loud music. While Gina was focused on dancing Jake and Amy were both trying to look at eachother without getting caught staring.

The night comes to an end and they stream out of the exit and say bye to Gina.
Amy decides that she has to find out if they're dating eachother...

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