The Trip

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A few days after the horrible realisation, the history trip took place. Amy looked around the coach: Chelea was sitting with a group of girls with a scowl on her face, Jake sat in silence while the people around him laughed and talked. Everyone else was murmuring about why the couple weren't sitting together but Amy was trying not to get her hopes up. At the venue they had to sit through a lecture before being allowed to get lunch and explore. Amy had her face in a book but her mind was on Jake, what if he and Chelsea had- no Amy don't think about that! She thought to herself.
'oh look, they're talking to eachother I knew they were happy' she sadly mutters to herself. She focuses back on her book and tries to forget about everyone laughing and having fun around her until suddenly she hears someone storm over....

'This is on you! This is your fault and I will never let you forget it! ' Chelsea hisses at Amy before marching off with her band of girls following her.

Amy sits in confusion trying to make sense of their encounter.

Brooklyn High School: Class 99Where stories live. Discover now