Chapter 14: In The Past

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Separate - PVRIS

As long as it won't separate you from me, I'll be fine.
(Levi to Anna)

(Levi to Anna)

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16 Years Ago

“Here they come!” Isabel laughed, zipping through the alleyways and pillars of the Underground with her friends doing the same close by her. Levi was at the head of their four-man formation, leading the group away from Military Police personnel who were desperately trying to catch them yet again.

“That's the third time this week!” Anna giggled, turning back to look over her shoulder as she watched the men in green cloaks baring an emerald unicorn crest fumble and tangle themselves up in their ODM gear. “They really never learn, do they?”

“I think at this point they only pretend to chase us so the King doesn't bite their heads off,” Isabel added, then looked forward at Levi. “Hey, big bro, I said something cool just now, didn't I?” Levi rolled his eyes, shook his head, and responded stoically. “Are you a moron?”

Isabel pouted at the older boy. “Meanie.” she muttered under her breath. “I think it was a cool thing you said, Izzy.” Anna reassured her good friend, dipping down into an abandoned house with the guys to save on their current supply of ODM gas. “How much did we manage to get today?” Levi turned to Farlan who carried a sack of stolen foods and other goods. “Not even a week's worth.” Farlan frowned.

“Shit,” Levi threw his head back, wiping his mouth on his sleeve from the sweat and dirt from the Underground on his skin. “That is unacceptable!” Anna scratched her head. “We could always go back for more.” she suggested.

“We practically bled those suckers dry of their resources. There's nothing left that the vendors have until they resupply next week.” Farlan spoke.

“How are we going to manage this week with such little resources?" Isabel frowned, fiddling with the straps for her ODM gear. Anna, being as curious as ever, peeked over the side of the roof when hearing footsteps passing them. “Psst,” she motioned a hand for them to look. “Down there.” she whispered.

Levi peered over the side of the roof. Two cloaked figures walked along the cobblestone street below, one a teenage boy and the other a fiendish woman. “Come on, rookie! If you can't even carry those bags, you're of no use to Boss!” chastised the woman, slapping some sort of leather belt or whip in her hands.

“Masqueraders,” Farlan muttered, looking to his best friend for confirmation of their next move. “No.” Levi turned around. “It's too risky.”

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