Chapter 8

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I was in the infirmary getting my shoulder rewrapped when two Matalian guards came swimming in. One was carrying Sera, the other was keeping Neela steady.

"What happened?" I ask.

"There was an explosion a mile outside of the city gates. We found Reinga Serafina and Princess Neela at the site," one of the Matalian guards said.

I looked at Sera in his arms. She had a cut on her arm, her wrist looked out of place, and her head was bleeding. Doctors rushed up to help Sera. A few doctors sat Neela down and began to examine her. From what I heard Neela has a bump on her head, and a few cuts. They fix up Neela, and I swim up to her and sit down.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know. A girl approached us about a mile out of town. She apologized to Sera about what she was about to do. Then the next thing we knew she exploded. Sera and I were sent flying. I hit the ground hard, and I don't know what happened to Sera," Neela said. Her voice wavered. I knew she was still shaken from the events that just happened.

I sit there next to Neela waiting. I just wanted Sera to be alright. It wasn't long before a doctor swam up to me.

"Regina Serafina is stable. She has a concussion, and is resting. Her wrist is badly broken, and she isn't supposed to use it until it's fully healed. We're going to keep her here overnight," the doctor said.

"Thank you. May we see her?" I asked.

"She's resting right now, and I think it is best if you both rest too. You'll be able to see her in the morning. She should be awake by then."

I nod my head. I turn to leave but stop. I remember Mahdi. I still haven't heard anything about him. I turn back to the doctor and ask, "Is there any updates on Mahdi?"

"There hasn't been anything heard from the doctors other than he should be out in a few hours."

"Thank you."

The doctor nods her head and swims into a room. I swim back to Neela. "I'll swim with you back to your room," I say.

She nods her head and begins to swim with me. We make it back to Neela's room. Her parents must've heard us because they came swimming out of their rooms.

"Neela! What happened?" Her mother asks.

"Sera and I were attacked outside of the city," Neela said.

"Where's Sera?"

"She's down in the infirmary. She has a concussion, and a broken wrist. No one is allowed to see her until morning," I say.

Neela's mother puts her hand to her mouth. If both Sera and Mahdi die there will be no one to claim either thrones leaving Lucia up for the taking.

"I'm going to get some rest though. I'll talk more to you guys in the morning," Neela said.

"Yes. We'll have Suma bring you food if you wake up and are hungry in the night," her mother said.

Neela nodded, and continued to her room. I swam past her room, and to a guest room that I've stayed in before. I swim in to a nicely made bed. I don't bother to change my clothes. I just climb into the bed, and fall into a dreamless sleep.

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