Chapter 12

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I had ordered one of my Matalian spies to kill Serafina's brother. She had not reported back yet. And of course I was waiting for her to report tomorrow. I know what it's like to try and kill him. It's difficult, but if I didn't think she could do it I wouldn't have set her on the job.

I was still searching through the bag when I found a smaller bag inside. Opening the small bag I found a ring. It looks like he was going to propose to her. A pity really since he'll soon be dead. But now I have some leverage against her.

Taking the ring I swim her her makeshift cell. I unlock the door and swim in to see Astrid's head against the wall, and her eyes closed. I slap her across her face to wake her. She doesn't deserve to be treated nicely.

"Wake up!" I yell.

She slowly opens her eyes.

"If you think I'll going to give you information about Sera and Mahdi then you're wrong," she says in protest.

"I think I have a new way to get what I want out of you."

I throw her the ring.

"A ring. I'm so scared."

"Not just any ring. An engagement ring. Meant for someone special."

"Congrats Lucia. You finally found a lumpsucker who will marry you. What did you do? Sing to them and put them in a trance?"

"No! This isn't mine, but yours. Your little boyfriend here was going to propose to you before my spies killed him." I knew they hadn't killed him yet, but I had to break her.

"I doubt that. He's too good to be outsmarted by someone like you."

"Maybe, but this ring was on him when he was in the palace. My spy took it off of him. A symbol of his death." Another lie. Tears were glistening in her eyes. She sucked in a small sniff before looking up at me.

Her tears of sadness had made their way to tears of anger. "You kill my love, and you think I'll give you answers? You're going about this all wrong Lucia. You won't be able to get anything out of me."

I think about those pins on the map in my room. The location of the decedents. That was my last option. "So what you're saying is that if I can't break you because of your boyfriend, I can break you with your friends?" She turned into a stone. She was protecting herself. That's when I knew it. "Oh. I can break you through them. Well then that's when my plan begins."

I turn around and swim out of the room. Locking the door behind me I hear Astrid begin to cry. I had broken her in solitude, but not for good. She was a rock. There were so many layers to break away from her until I met the middle. I had just pulled one away. Now I was working on layer two.

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