Chapter 10

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My wrist felt heavy, and so did my eye lids. I forced them open, and I was in a dimly lit room. Looking at the small table to my left I see the Matalian seal printed on a piece of paper. I was in the palace in Matali. I relax a little bit knowing I was safe.

Looking at my wrist I saw it was wrapped. I must've broken it when I hit the ground. The door opens and a doctor swims in.

"Oh, you're awake," she says.

"What happened," I ask rubbing my head. I find a bandage circling my head.

"You where brought here unconscious. You hit your head hard and got a concussion. You're wrist is broken, and you have a few stitches in your head where you hit whatever you hit."

I sigh. "How long have I been out for?"

I was afraid of the answer. I didn't want to have to worry about a life or death situation. "You haven't even out for a day. You'll be able to get out this afternoon, but we'll keep you here again tonight for monitoring," she says. I give a sigh of relief. The doctor swims to my bedside, and checks a few things. "Let's get this off of you," she says beginning to unwrap the bandage.

After taking off the bandage I can see that there was a little dried blood on the bandage. It's where the front and back of my head would have been. I feel the back of my head and feel where the stitches are. My hair should be able to cover it. I fee the front of my head. I find a cut covered in dry blood there.

"You had a good size cut on the front of your head, but it wasn't deep or wide enough to fix. So we cleaned it, and bandaged it the best we could. It will be a scare, but not very noticeable," the doctor says throwing the bandage away.

"Thank you," I say.

"You're sage now regina. Get some rest."

Before she leaves the room one thing comes to mind. "Excuse me, but do you have anything on Emperor Mahdi's condition?" I ask.

She smiles a little before it fades to sadness. "Emperor Mahdi is alive. But it is unsure if he will survive. You will be able to see him soon. Once your brother comes down we'll release you to see him," she says.

My heart drops. He may not make it through. I didn't know how bad his injuries were, but they must be bad. I can't just sit here and hear things. I need to see Mahdi. But I knew I wasn't going to be able to. I knew what it was like to deal with doctors.

Just then Des swam in. The doctor looked over to him. She sighs. "I guess you're free to go. But you have to come back for monitoring. Be careful when you go," the doctor said.

She swims up to me and unhooks a small tube from me that I didn't even know was on me. Des swims up to my side of the bed, and helps me get out of the bed.

He keeps one hand in mine, and the other on my back. We swim into a separate room where I find Mahdi laying on a bed, unconscious. His skin is pale, and there is a large wrap wrapped around his torso, just above his torso. I can see small spots of dried blood coming through. Des pulls a chair to the side of the bed, and I sink down in it. As I sink down, so does my heart.

I take his hand in mine and just look at him. I study him for any sign of life. The only thing is the rising and falling of his chest. He looked peaceful, and that only made me worry. I didn't want him to die. He can't die. There was still so much in life for us to enjoy.

"Mahdi. What happened?" I whisper to myself.

Des places a hand on my shoulder, and before I know it I'm crying. This is what Mahdi must've felt like when I was like this.

"How could this have happened to you?" I whisper again. There is no answer from him. "Oh Mahdi."

I squeezed his hand a little tighter. All I wanted was to see his smiling face, and his beautiful eyes. But Lucia has attempted to take it away from me. She wants me dead, but she won't get me that way. She can try and break me, but it won't happen.

A new fire burned within me. One that wanted to know why Lucia really wanted me gone, and what she had to do to get it. Then a question dawned on me.

"Des, where's Astrid?" I ask taking my eyes away from Mahdi.

His face fell. "Lucia has her. I tried to get her back, but Lucia's guards were too strong for me," Des said.

"Ugh. That's it. I'm calling in backup. Lucia can't just do that. First Mahdi, and Yazeed. Then you and Astrid. Now Neela and I. Where will it end? I'm tired of it already."

I stand up straight, and the world begins to spin. I fall back into the chair.

"Careful. Let's get you back to your room, and I'll have Neela come down. You need to rest," Des said.

I shake my head. I look at Mahdi one last time before going back to my room and waiting for Neela.

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