Compare and contrast

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Akiza walked like a zombie ,her blue eyes lifeless and she didn't get any rest from what happened yesterday.

" Hi! Akiza!" , Rin pounced on her .

" Rin!", Akiza was surprised at the greeting.

" Come, Motomi wants to talk to you he seems very concerned", Rin pulls on Akiza's arm. They arrive to the bar Akiza out of breath from running with Rin pulling her arm.

"Hey Akiza and Rin.", Motomi said.

" Still smoking are we old man.", Rin joked.

"Akiza you look tired ", Motomi taking a smoke.

" I had a brush with death last night."

" Oh what did he look like?"

" He was dressed in all black , red eyes."

" Seems like you met Shiki."

" You saw him where?", Rin said.

" I dont't remember, but I was frozen in fear." Akiza said."

" Did he do anything to harm you?", Rin said.

" Shiki the man in Irgura that represents death.", Akiza thought.

" Why is he here?", she questioned.

" No one knows. I wonder if her tells them, but likely he won't , we can't say for sure", Motomi said. Shiki has the same intimidating appearance like the man in dream and that shook her to the core.

"What do you mean?"

" Don't worry Shiki is too secretive to do that I bet he wants to keep you for himself. At least your'e okay I can check your body if you want . Akiza I want you to stay with me.", Rin joked then he seemed interested. Akiza blushed.

" Until I find il re. "

" Yep!", Rin smiled at her.

" Lets go find Akira and Keisuke."

" I hope Rin doesn't get too attached to her , oh and I forgot to tell them something. No they find out soon enough.", Motomi puffed out smoke from his cigarette.

Keisuke and Akira were walking around Toshima.

" I'm sorry I got my tags stolen, but I'm thankful for you saving me ", Keiuske said.

" No problem ", Akira said.

"We have been friends for a long time Akira.", Keisuke smiled. Keisuke knew he was Akira only friend. He noticed after win by win Akira face looked sad.

" Akira what do you want to do after this", Keisuke said.

" What do you mean?", Akira said.

" After we get out this place do you want to go back on being Lost?",Keisuke looked down. Akira didn't say anything.

" You don't have to live by yourself anymore you can come with me", Keisuke said.

" Why I don't need help I'm fine", Akira said. Keisuke cheeks turned pink.

"It...It's because I-I lo-agh!",Keisuke was tackled by Rin ,Akiza following afterwards.

" Found you!", Rin was on top of Keisuke.

" Keisuke are you okay?", Akiza said.

" Yeah. But you scared me Rin!" , Keisuke still recovering from the tackle.

" What are you doing?", Akira turned around.

" I need do something with Akiza and you.", Rin smiled. Rin puts Akiza to the left Akira and looked at them while standing side by side. Rin took a quick picture and still observed the two.

" Hmm I know! You two are twins!", Rin exclaimed.

" No were not", Akira rolled his eyes. " Rin I don't have a brother", Akiza said.

" You two have the same eyes , hair color and your names are so similar the only thing you have different is the personality", Rin said.

"I just notice that you two do look alike" , Keisuke said.

" Even Keisuke agrees with me", Rin smiled.

" I don't have time for this", Akira said and walked off.

" Akira wait!", Keisuke followed after him. Rin took Akiza hand to catch up.

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