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        " Hey Akiza wake up", Rin tugged on her hoodie .

 " What", Akiza moaned. She looked down and her she forgot he unzipped her jacket.

 " You didn't look at my chest did you", Akiza said with a stern look.

" Nope, lets collect tags.", Rin lead her out of the building. The two walked around Toshima taking pictures.

 " Hey! Give us your tags!', A group called out and went after them.

 " Nope!", Akiza said.  Akiza pulled out her katana. 

" I've haven't been street fight  for a while. I want to fight like Akira!", Akiza run toward the group. 

" That's the spirit !" Rin took out his daggers.  Some men took out vitals and drank them.

 " Eww ,whats happening to them! They are like that guy I fought.", Akiza said. 

" They're taking Line! Quick we need to take the tags!", Rin shouted and slashed the enemy.  Akiza found herself trying to block the attacker's blades. 

" God they are so strong.", She stuggled and has to roll to dodge and not break her weapon. In the process she was cut in the leg. Akiza let out a small scream and quickly ignored her pain. 

" Fuck You! ", Rin yelled out . Akiza stabbed  each members of the group . Her ponytail holder was off,  grey hair covering your face. 

" I won't let you hurt my family.", Akiza said.  Akiza moved so swift , Rin never seen anything like this before except for that time Shiki did something that Rin vowed to kill him for it. His hands shake looking at her made his heart rate to stop. It returned to normal to see her faint after collecting the tags. 

" Akiza!", Rin came over to her. Akiza eyes opened quickly and smiled over to Rin.

 " I got the tags",  Akiza smiled.

 " You had me worried. Don't ever do that again or else I might hate you." , Rin gave Akiza a hug.  

" I almost got a a royal flush .", Akiza smiled to Rin. 

" Hey, Rin do you have a family? ", she asked to Rin. 

" I had a friend that I cared about really much."

" I think of Motomi as a father figure and you, Akira and Keisuke are my brothers. I really miss my family."

" Akiza don't worry."  Rin said.

They returned to the bar where Motomi is to talk about their spoils of  the battle. Motomi was laughing at Rin's ridiculous stories until Akiza explained what happened at the battle.

      "Huh?", Akiza leaned over to Motomi . 

  "The Vischio  makes the drug called Line", Motomi took a smoke. 

" It make you have super strength and it can kill you. ", Rin said.

 " So that creep is responsible for the monsters", Akiza sighed.  She looked over to see Akira and Keisuke came into the bar. 

" Hey Akira can I see your knife", Akiza asked. 

" Why?"

 " You have something written on it. Yep its the weird symbols you have on your knife . Its also on my katana. See?", Akiza also took out her katana. 

 " A man gave it to me. I made a promise to him."

 " A man gave me my katana . I also made a promise to him also. See you guys later I'll catch up  with you" , Akiza gave Akira his knife back and she waved and left. A chill ran through her spine to introduce the restless night.She wondered if the same man was responsible for giving Akira and her their owns weapons. It was so long ago.

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