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My dream land changes constantly, but right now, it's from the night of my birthday before you left.

We went to dinner, got blindingly drunk with friends, your brothers and even Pol, and then we went back to the house and had a blissful night.

But your Saturday mornings dream land might just become my next one.

That picture you've been begging me for is in the envelope.

Love you forever,


I look at the new picture she sent mer and I kiss it before placing it in my pocket, so that she's always with me.

"You remember Georgia's birthday party?" I turn to John.

"A bit. Think I was too drunk to remember it all."

"That was a good night." I nod. "It's Georgia's dream land with me."

"Tommy Shelby talking about dream lands with his wife? Who knew he had a soft side." Arthur teases.

Letters // [thomas shelby / peaky blinders]Where stories live. Discover now