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"Dearest Georgia,

You didn't give me a topic to write back about, so I'm just going to start writing about my day and call it a letter.

Woke up, did a bit of digging, ate some shit for lunch and dinner and now I'm laying in my bunk, writing to you.

When I write to you I have all your old letters sitting in a pile next to me, so I don't forget what I'm writing about. I've kept every single letter you've sent me, and I plan to keep them forever, my love.

Your letters smell like you, so I don't have to carry around a bottle of perfume, which is good.

Love you more than you could imagine,

Thomas Shelby."

A sigh leaves my lips as I read Thomas' letter.

My dear Thomas.

Miss you.

Letters // [thomas shelby / peaky blinders]Where stories live. Discover now