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Blood trickled down. Flowing into the lines of his smirk, dripping off his chin and onto his black shirt.

His white teeth flashed in his crooked grin, eyes alight with some primal energy.

Black hair stood up and twisted, falling just to cover his forehead. His tanned skin gleamed with sweat at the summer air, hot and humid.

"What are you waiting for?" He taunted, bending his finger as if luring a lover over to his side, teasing and sly. The creature that came out from the shadows casted from the street lamp, was nothing short of an abomination. With parts that looked to be repillain, others looking like an insect, the others looking like some alein out of a old action moive on a low budget, it was as disgusting as can be imagined.

The Dahak lunged, always with its one track mind. Too dumb to plan and too mean to care.

The man dressed in all black, his simple hoodie already splattered with blood, laughed as he plunged into the fight.

He had already killed three of these lesser demons, one more was no big deal.

And as he stood over its corpe, he flicked the blood off his glowing blades, their light bringing a magnifactaion of the death he brought apon the creature.

He twist his wrist and the blade slid into his belt, the blade vanishing. Besides the one blade, he had it's sister on his other side, and another sword, this one longer and permently on display, strapped to his back. His slim build, broad shoulders, and narrow waist, did not lead you to believe he would be a warrior. In fact, he looked more suited to a swim team.

But that was just another wepond.

The young man pulled his hood up, the weak light casting his face in shadows. Except that wicked grin of his.


To others, it looked like nothing but an old church.

To the blonde, it was a magnificent building with high tech and people bustling around inside. None of the people around her saw the beautiful building, nor did they see the blonde outside it.

No, the swirl of burnt skin on her wrist assured that.

Under the cover of night is how she had arrived, had planned it. She wasn't due until tomorrow, but, she liked having others on unsure footing.

Her pretty face was set in stone, grey eyes cutting a hard gaze, as she climbed the steps into the Institute. Blonde curls bounced from her high ponytail, on and off of the brown leather jacket she wore.

When the door opened and she strutted in, it wasn't long until every eye of those inside were turned to her.

She was well known.

And her arrival here had been planed, but the others still prickled at the sight of those grey eyes. Storm clouds given form. Proof of her blood line.

A woman in a blue suit walked up to the blonde with the grace only a trained killer could possibly possess. Her black hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and her blue eyes burned as bright as stars. "Hello, Miss Chase." The woman stuck out her hand, and, just to piss her off, the blonde eyed her up and down before taking it. "My name is Maryse Lightwood."

"I know." The blonde nodded, a little smile playing on her lips.

"We weren't expecting you until tomorrow." Maryse blinked a bit, all the surprise she would let herself show. But the flicker of muscle in her jaw told the blonde that she was more annoyed than surprised.

"I know." She repeated.

"I hope you find New York appealing Miss Chase." The sarcasm and tone she used, had the blonde's smile turning into a grin.

"As long as it has plenty of Demons for me to kill, I'll be fine." Her grin was more of a flash of teeth. "Why don't you give me a tour?" She waved her hand, sticking out one hip and raised an eyebrow. "Since I'm early." She purred.

"I can't-" But Maryse was cut off as the door down the hall opened once more.

The hooded man swaggering towards them had the whole room tensed up yet again. The others tried to act as if they hadn't noticed him strut in, but the blonde saw the worried glances and nervous body langue.

"Percy." Maryse said, her tone trying to be light, but tight enough to tell she was on edge. "Welcome back, you've been gone for a while this time." The man just pushed his hood back, leaving green eyes and a crooked smile for all to see.

"I figured it was time to come back. Re-stock then I'll probably head back out in a few days." His voice was deep, smooth, like slumbering waves out at sea. "Who's this?" He asked, those green eyes, as deep as the ocean itself, turned to the blonde standing off to the side.

Her face was of cool amusement and irreverence to all.

"This is Annabeth Chase." Maryse's shoulders had relaxed a bit at this Percy's words, but when she glanced between the two, the tension returned ten fold. "A transfer Shadowhunter from California." Those blue eyes lit up, like she had an idea. "Would you mind giving her a tour? I can't right now." Killing two birds with one stone indeed, and both Shadowhunters saw right through it.

But Percy's lips curled anyway. "This way, Annabeth." He led her from room to room, giving her the layout. By the way she scanned it all, he had no doubt she had already started to map it out in her head.

"And over here, is my room." He waved a hand to the door on their right. "This one is yours." He gestured to the left. "Well, it can be, or you can choose some other empty room. Doesn't matter. This one is just closest and where I'm leaving you." A wink and he slid into his room.

Annabeth opened the door to her room and let her eyes take in every detail.

A few minutes and she had her bag, the grey duffle on her back, unpacked and shoved under her bed. The room was cozy, for a room at a Shadowhunter Institute. Another few minutes and she was sitting back on her bed in a button-up nightshirt, with a book.

She guessed this place would do.


Percy let his sword belt clang onto his armchair, the sword on his back soon following.

Unzipping his hoodie, he made for the bathroom. A very hot shower later, he slung a towel over his hips and strode over to his dresser.

His black hair was pressed down onto his head, a swipe of his hand and it was pushed back like some biker from the fifties. He pulled on some sweatpants and discarded his towel. The blood of those demons had stained his clothes, nothing he hadn't done many times before, but he made sure to send them to the laundry right away.

He flopped down onto his bed after turning out the lights. He fell asleep, sprawled out, not even bothering with the covers.

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