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Percy sighed as he ran a hand over his face. He had barely slept the night before, not only had he heard Annabeth puking her guts up, but he had nightmares whenever his eyes drifted closed.

It appeared last night was rough for both of them.

He pulled the V-neck shirt on and pulled out his leather jacket. For the two they were meeting today he needed to be slightly better dressed. Epically Calypso, she was a hard one to get answers from and, even though her and Leo were together, she always answered more questions when he wore V-necks and his leather jacket. Skinny jeans with rips in the knees also didn't hurt.

She was a Fairy with particular tastes. Though her boyfriend was anything but the type she usually went for. He was kind-of scrawny looking, on the short side, and fought best from a distance.

But, he supposed using the tricks he had gathered wasn't a bad thing, just something he didn't feel too good about doing. Percy didn't really understand why Calypso had ever taken a liking to him, but if it could get him information . . . he'd do it.

Hopefully Annabeth wore something that Leo liked, the guy was a bit of a perve but not in an offensive way-he just had no filter. Judging by what she wore last night, she'd be right up his alley.

Badass and totally out of his league.

Percy opened his door and crossed the hall to Annabeth's room. One swift knock later, and the door opened to show Annabeth's style never changed much. Neither did his.

She had gone with a dark grey crop top, like the one she had worn yesterday, and black jeans. Instead of shiny buttons, a shimmering grey belt was slung across her hips. She didn't have a jacket on this time, and the crop top's sleeves were cut to fall off her shoulder but still held up by a thin piece of fabric.

Perfect for distracting Leo.

He gave a smirk and she smirked back. "Tonight we will be meeting two Fairies, they are a couple but both have a type. You are coming with me, because you can distract Leo while I talk to Calypso." Truth and lie, that was a reason he needed someone with him-but any Shadowhunter that had the right assets would have worked fine. He wanted Annabeth along because . . . well . . . he didn't know why.

"So that's my big role?" Annabeth scoffed. "Some bait for a slightly horny Fairy to chase while you get information?" She didn't seem really mad, just pulling his leg a bit.


"I never said that Calypso wasn't just as easily distracted. Why do you think I'm her favorite Shadowhunter?" His hands were clasped behind his back and he tilted his head as Annabeth scanned him again, frowning. "Shall we?"

"We shall."


The club was a lot different from the one last night.

At least to Annabeth.

The lights were softer, more pinks and greens than purples and yellows. The music was loud and fast but done by classical instruments. The drinks glowed like the ones from the other club, but Annabeth knew these ones were ten times as dangerous.

The pointed ears and flowy clothing around her made her stick out like a sore thumb, of course Percy stuck out even more. Being taller and broader than her, he could match these Fairies for size.

Annabeth's stomach turned, Percy walked with the swagger of someone who looked good and knew it. It took all her will power not to shrink behind him, keeping her chin up and face a cool mask of indifference. Badass and totally out of anyone's league, perfect for what job she needed to do tonight.

Leo was a bit high up in the courts, but Calypso was who they trusted more of the two. She could keep secrets where as Leo liked to talk too much. So they might get information out of him, but the better info came from his girlfriend.

Percy smirked over his shoulder at her, winking before veering to the left and taking her to the corner of the bar. Two Fairies stood leaning on the counter.

The girl was barely taller than the boy, and she wore a white gown and a crown of flowers. Her brown hair and brown eyes were the color of chocolate, warm and melting. Her partner had an impish look, with a smirk a mile wide and mischievous eyes.

Calypso and Leo.

"Calypso, Leo, great to see you two." Percy's smile was bright and blindingly white. The female Fairy smiled back at him, but the male was looking Annabeth up and down. "This is a newer Shadowhunter to the Big Apple, Annabeth Chase." He waved to her and Annabeth nodded a greeting. "I was thinking one of you could tell her about the Fairies we have here in New York compared to the ones from California."

"I'd be happy to be of some assistance." Leo held out his arm, he wore a white shirt with black pants and suspenders, very different from most Fairies. Annabeth ignored his arm, and jerked her head over to the corner booth. "Sure thing." He winked and followed her over.


"Don't think I don't see right through you Percy." Calypso teased as Percy leaned on the bar beside her. "Getting my boyfriend to run after some blonde you brought." Her brown eyes twinkled with hundreds of years of intelligence. "While you work on me."

"Work on you?" Percy asked, smiling faintly as he spoke softly. "I just wanted to talk after being apart so long. And you two have had a fair agreement of looking but no touching for hundreds of years. Why be wary now? When I've been your friend for some time."

"Should I be wary?" Fairies couldn't lie, but they were very good at avoiding answers. Her long lashes framed her big brown eyes. "Should I be wary of a long time friend?"

"Not me." Percy said with all seriousness. "I mainly just wanted Leo out of the way, so he wouldn't bother me." He rolled his eyes and Calypso chuckled. "I would like some information though."

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